
2 years, 10 months ago



art by cosmicXrobot

early 20's

A young introverted theorist who attends college to study possessors. When given an oppertunity have a possessor of her own she would want to go on bounty hunting and train to be fully prepared for when her powers are needed.

  • Name Anna Yhexta
  • Nickname Nird
  • Age early 20's
  • Gender She/Her
  • World Echko
  • Residence North Leiliekka, Televox city
  • Species Ichiru
  • Ethnicity leiliekkan
  • Occupation mangaka, bounty huntress, babysitter
  • Sexuality heterosexual
  • Religion None

art by cosmicXrobot

  • Alignment Lawful Good
  • Positive Traits Made manga pages and earning bounty rewards
  • Negative Traits Never was good at taking care of animals
  • Outlook “I’m not the hero of this story…all I am is just a nobody”
  • Belief she would just give credit to other people despite her successes in various missions
  • Strengths Very experienced with ranged weapons/magic that creates large varied arsenal
  • Weaknesses physically weak and relies on fighting from distance

Anna is an introverted theorist who wanted to be a scientist to study the origins of the possessor and how they give powers to their hosts. She has the most mature personality among her friends/roomates in the college dorm where after class, anna would go bounty hunting missions to capture bad people then she would go babysitting her mom's friend's daughter. lastly anna likes to create manga series and other creative projects. Since childhood she devoloped fear of dogs for reasons she had forgotten. Lastly, she inherits the "curse" from her mother where most women would want to perform sexual desires to her, only consent she would give however would be Alexandra, She doesn't hold a grudge since alexandra does a lot of house choirs and cooks.


art by cosmicXrobot

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Awkward
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • doing drawings
  • cats (especially himalayans)
  • computers
  • possessor histories
  • Alexandra being an actual good friend
  • being alone most of the time


  • DOGS (literally fears them)
  • being popular
  • birdie the spryte killer
  • The Spryte Unit


  • making mangas
  • doing bounty hunting missions
  • eating spinach and brocoli
  • Training with her own possessor
  • babysitting her mom's friends child


  • can predict future for horrible outcome
  • Sharpshooter with possessor power
  • uses her transformed state to create bigger possessor powers faster
  • Shapeshift objects with possessor powers
  • Create possessor wings to fly at great speeds
  • can use the second possessor bidie "gifted" her to cause powers to erase everything (she doesn't like using it tho)

art by cosmicXrobot

  • Hair Color whitish blue
  • Eye Color forrest green
  • Skin Color whitish blue
  • Height 6'4 FT.
  • Clothing Style slightly summer
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Design Notes

  • Anna's shoes has shades of blue that gets darker when facing foward
  • She wears a jacket with two black strips with half infront going a zigzag pattern, under her jacket wears a tank top with with stripe and with X mark around her chest as the tank top exposes her belly
  • Wears the dark grey face scarf on her neck
  • Wears light grey short pants
  • anna's hair style is nearly shaped like a pineapple
  • has a short fluffly tail that is bearly noticable.
Theme music

art by cosmicXrobot


Anna was a small joyful child who grew up in a small town, one day she was brought to the public park with her father to play in, minutes later however, a large figure has been thrown in the air ans was about to accidentally crush Anna! Her father rush and saved Anna in time but had his legs completely crushed when a large suited figure landed on him, the man who was using the suit was unable to move since his opponent powered down mech suit and threw him afar, but was eventually found by his opponent, who was an unknown masked person who the suited man thought he would be arrested but was then shot to death. Young Anna and her father witnesses the horrific event, the masked figure took notice and begins to shoot down Anna's father and than summoned his K-9 to Maul her to death only for it to be punched so severely hard it's body exploded into nothing but raining blood. the masked figure saw this and noticed a transformed possessor, a fox/cat like monster that came to hold it's ground to protect young Anna. just before she could witness the even, young Anna was so traumatized by this very event she had passed out into coma.

Anna was awakened at the age of 13 wondering what she had been dreaming, for some reason all she could remember that her dad died in a workplace accident, she and her mother were over it as she attended highschool as a freshmen in a new town Anna and her mom moved into. there she became very interested in possessor's in science and history class she attends, while attending highschool she befriended an openly bisexual tall girl "Alexandra" and a popular gothic barefooted brat "Emily" (mainly cause Anna offered to do her homework to avoid bullying) during two month break when finishing 9th grade Anna asked her mother to have a possessor of her own, her mother only told Anna that it's for responsible grown ups and they need permit license to earn a possessor spirit. anna was bummed but understands as she will just stick to learning what possessors are, even in college.

Anna and her friends finally attend college in televox city and earned themselves a dorm room to sleep in. before they could each go to class Anna suggests that she and her friends could find jobs, of coarse none them could agree because Alexandra would want to take care of the dorm room making sure nothing bad happens to it and Emily would rather be a streamer of games she plays. anna thought the easiest job she could find was a restaurant sports bar for which her mom currently owns. the sports bar restaurant consists of sports televisions, music entertainment and of coarse bowling, Anna would want to take shift of the dishwasher mainly because she Always has to wash dishes at home. Anna would then see her mother being friends with other grown women at a large table they would sit at, she would start picking up dishes quietly till was than noticed by her mother, who than introduced Anna to her friends. most who sat with her mother were very kind to Anna, commenting on how cute she is, one of them was VERY old and VERY cranky took a good look at her which made Anna worried at first, but was able to finish the job by washing away the remaining dishes. when she returns to her apartment she noticed Anna and Emily left for the college prom night leaving Anna alone to do some homework. Hours later while working, she heard noises, Anna goes to investigate as she founds nothing at first only to be swept up by something invisible and than thrown onto the sofa, the invisible figure revealed to be a woman who has been lusting Anna by simply looking at her and wanted to perform sexual activities when no one is in her apartment to which Anna rejects. the invisible woman about to strip Anna down and fulfill her sexual desires till out of nowhere, a bird masked figrue held a abnormal gun to the invisible woman, asking politely to surrender and be held hostage. The invisble woman refused as she transformed into a monster that has similar looks as the black mamba snake and begins to retaliate, their battles escalated into the roof of the apartment for which Anna cannot see, she rushes to the roof of the apartment for her concerns and see's the bird masked figure has defeated a transformed invisible woman, before Anna could say anything she see's the masked figure continuously shoot the invisible woman's body cause agonizing pain and torture. when the invisible woman asked who she was, the masked figure revealed to be the old woman who was friends with Anna's mother. The invisible woman realized the legends of the "birdie" was real and then interrogated on where the general was in North Leiliekka, the invisible woman doesn't know and than she was knocked out to be taken hostage, birdie than see's Anna being a witness and said to her "Anna, there is something your mother refused to talk about."

Present Day

When Anna was brought in a secret base with birdie, she reintroduced her to the same friends she met at the table including her mom, shocked by this Anna's mother questioned her why she brought her daughter here, reason being she was being groped by a "spryte". Anna's mother horrified by this for this, she now confesses on what REALLY happened to her father, the dream Anna has had when her father died was completely true as she and her friends (except birdie) transformed into the true physical form of the possessor spirits. Anna very surprised by this has many questions to ask but can't think any due to her surprise, birdie also overheard the conversation on how her mother says on how good she was on computers, she asked Anna to join her black ops squad in an effort to take down the corporation/Army who has committed many acts of genocide's. Anna's mother says that if she joined birdie's squad as a computer hacker, she will have a possessor she truly wanted since at a young age. Anna was hesitant at first into thinking she would be involved into being part of the military but at the same time, she had always wanted to have a possessor of her own since she does so much studying of them. So Anna accepts and after some initiation coarse, she gains the possessor who's power is to shape shift the energies into all forms of objects, thus she would be called in her possessor physical form "RADIKATE".


art by cosmicXrobot


art by cosmicXrobot

Alexandra: Sweet caring buddy

Descriptions: Alexandra has been a good supporting friend to Anna since highschool! she would cook food and take care of the apartment they live in so life would be easier for anna when she works as a dishwasher and because of this, Anna is very thankful for Alexandra. however Anna would also have to deal with Alexandra's horny desires by letting her "sleep" with her despite being a straight lady, Anna wouldn't hold a grudge since it may be the only way for alexandra's possessor to calm down.

art by cosmicXrobot

profile html by Hukiolukio
