Alec (NFT)



6 years, 9 months ago



"We're all just lost in a world that doesn't exist, and sometimes we just need a little struggle to make us feel like we're alive"


Name: Alec Singh | Gender: Male | Age: 16 | Species: Snow Leopard | Sexuality: Heteromantic Demisexual | Status: Single


  1. Nationality: Kind of unknown (Maybe has Denmark descendency)
  2. Personality: He comes off as cold, at first. He may also seem intimidating, but he´s actually just a huge softie incapable of hurting anything, atleast without a reason. He´s jumpy and gets frightened easily, he flinches at any kind of uncalled movement (Ex. Lifting a hand up suddenly) and often gets startled. He tries not to show any emotion, whatsoever, though he can be the most reliable friend if you ever saw one (although he doesn´t consider anyone to be his friend). He´s pretty wary and down to earth, basically. He has a noble heart, and works by selling tin-cans he finds on the streets, he earns enough money to mantain himself and his alcoholic "dad" (he never calls him that, though. He refers to him by his name). He can also be really cynical, and hardly ever smiles, he always has a sad or rather tired face, which also looks somewhat innocent. He never complains about anything or talks about his feelings to anyone, hidding everything inside, unless of course he's breaking down and really needs to get it out. Alec is generally really quiet, if you ever need to just chill and get something off your chest without having anyone judge you, he's your guy. He doesn't feel like speaking is necessary at times, and he has a special "ability"; where he says more through silence than through words. He only speaks when he's excited or really pissed off.

  3. Theme Songs:    -Simple Plan: Astronaut-…
                               -Sum 41: Underclass Hero-…
                               -Ashes Remain: On my Own:…
                          -Falling in Reverse: Coming Home-
                               -Beartooth: The Lines-…

    Extra Info:He loves heights, he's often found on the highest building in the city, or on his RV car's roof. He also likes climbing construction sites and the machines around there, as well as abandoned buildings and highways. Although he loves heights, he hates adrenaline, and panics if he's on a rollercoaster or anything similar, although he has a thing for local fairs and loves riding the Ferris Wheel. 
  5. Reference Sheet:
  6. alec__official_main_oc__ref_2017_by_xfir