


2 years, 10 months ago


Meet Flowerkit!

HUP: 0% 

Health: 100%

Rank: Kit/App/Warrior

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her They/Them 

Age: 1 moon (in lore)

Looks: Lilac-Cream Mackerel Caliby with White


Parents; Bud&Lilacpetal

Apprentice: none currently

Kits: none

Kin: unknown 

Backstory: Flowerkit tumbled around the nursery joyfully, she ran outside finally being aloud out. It was her second time outside of the nursery and it was so cool! She bounced joyfully looking around. She purred happily,all of a sudden there was this big shadow. Flowerkit whined nervously as it picked her put "put me down mom!" she complained. The shadow lifted her up further and she cried nervously not knowing what this was. Flowerkit flailed her paws sobbing seeing her moms on the ground "Mommy! Help!" she cried. She bird swooped higher taking her with it. The bird flew away to its nest taking her with it. The bird set her down in its nest and called out to its little hatchlings. Flowerkit backed away nervously watching the birds. 

3 moons later

Flower watched the birds,who were practically family at this point as they had raised her. She looked at them and smiled,she had learned to understand their chirps and what they meant. The birds have also learned to understand her. She had helped them fix their nest,hunt and anything else while the birds helped her get food for herself. The birds were very helpful and treated her very well. Sometimes she wonders how her moms feel without her there. She shook her head smiling to herself They're probably fine! Don't worry about it flower! They're fine! She told herself nervously. She smiled back at the birds waving her tail to them

Theme song: wip

Fears: open spaces

Name(s): Flowerkit,Flower,FlowerPaw,FlowerBud

Other: has all her growths,in lore a kit 

her page