Charles J. Orik



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Charles Jonathan Orik

Orik Title: The Dragon Heart

Age: 16 (pre-timeskip) | 20 (post-timeskip)

Height: 5'8

Birthday: January 20th

Species: Human/Witchling 

Pronouns: He/Him (Transmasc)

Sexuality: MLM 

Affiliation: Wild Witch, Orik Clan

Preferred Magic: Beast Keeping, Bard, Plant, Healing, Oracle

Spell circle color: Green

Palisman: Arthur (Dragon)

Voice claim: Chris Pine - Jack Frost


Charles can come off as quite cocky at times, however it's mostly him being playful and he doesn't mean any harm by it. However during fights he will show off a little if he can spare it. This is all mostly a facade to cover up how genuinely scared he is a lot of the time. He has a love hate relationship with the isles. On one hand he knows the isles are capable of wonder and magic and amazing things. On the other he knows as long as Belos is to rule he will never be happy. His aim is to cause as much havoc for the Emperor as he can until the old guy dies and then hopefully he can open his family home up to the wild witches who deserve to read its books. He has issues with authority but that's a given, however he will respect parental guidance if it is given from a place of worry instead of control


His parents were absent for most of his life but his Grandmother took him in. She is a witch who "retired" to the human world and married a human. She took in her grandson after realizing her son was absent and unwilling to raise him. It didn't take this little idiot long to figure out his grandmother was a full blood witch. She thought him wild magic, seeing how he somehow genetically inherited the ability, though weaker.

She trained him and promised one day she'd take him to the boiling isles...this however never happened. She grew too old to make the journey but her last act was to give him a portal door to take him there. Her final request was for him to turn her into the seed of a palisman tree and plant her so she can give back what she took from the boiling isles. Now he has to survive the boiling isles and try not to be found out. A human capable of wild magic would be valuable to the emperor.