Salamander's Comments

Any characters interest you here?

Or I could do base fills!

AAAA How much minimum would you be wanting to sell them for :0???

(I can also add on a custom or two for less money 😳!)

Oh! Maybe like 100-200 DA points! These lil guys where mostly just for fun, I’m not looking for too much <3

Does 150 work :3? It might take me a moment since I’ve only received and never sent any before ^^’

Of course! Here’s my DA:, there should be a little gift box looking thing to the right underneath the banner, and that should give you the option to gift points! I’ll transfer the bab as soon as the points go through ^^

Omg thank you sm!!! The points have been sent >:)!

Of course! Thank you for the points, they should be on their way now. Enjoy! <3

1 Replies