Hera Rooke



6 years, 10 months ago


< Personal Quote (s):

< Name: Alaine Boyson

< Alias(es): Hera Rooke

< Gender: Female

< Age: 26

< Birthday:

< Previous Homeworld: Noveria; Omega

< Current Homeworld: Nexus

< Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

< Race: Human

A woman lost in her own mind, Alaine was implanted with an AI representation of her childhood best friend after her passing, and has spent years trying to cope not only with the loss of her best friend, but also the betrayal of the people she viewed as family. While the AI was supposed to entirely take over Alaine's body, it instead, being modeled after her late best friend, elected to help save Hera. Seeing as Alaine had become a living illegal experiment, when given the chance to leave on the Andromeda initiative, she jumped, taking on her best friends former name: Hera Rooke. She approached Pathfinder Alec Ryder with her unique circumstances under the agreement he wouldn't say anything, as she knew of his interest in AIs, and was brought onto the team. When the new start in Andromeda doesn't go quite as planned, Hera fesses up her secret to the new Pathfinder Ryder, and joins the crew, offering her unique abilities on the ship and in the field. 

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