


6 years, 10 months ago


One to the Rebellion Hero Seku’Lyn, Nabrina was born with a heavy burden upon her shoulders, as many expected her to live up to her mother’s name. While her twin sister took these expectations on proudly, Nabrina was not at all enthusiastic about the idea of following in her mother’s footsteps. While she did of course love her mother and her sister, she soon became rather frightened of what her future held is she was to stay with her family. Pressure mounting, Nabrina soon fled, leaving her family behind to find her own place in life, desperate to avoid the responsibilities that came with being her mother’s daughter.
At the ripe age of 14, Nabrina began spending her time hopping from ship to ship, planet to planet, finding whatever work she could. She often found herself returning to Nar Shaddaa simply for the various opportunities granted to her. She did as she could to get by, and was fairly good at it. She had little trouble making money, and found herself to be able tot all herself out of almost any situation. She also found herself to be a fine gambler, eventually winning herself a starship.
At the age of 20, however, Nabrina was faced with an amount of trouble that she had no foreseeable way out of. Threatened with slavery, Nabrina attempted to fight her way out of trouble, but lost one of her Lekku in the process. Convinced she was about to die, Nabrina nearly gave in, but was saved by the most unlikely of people. A knight of Ren named Zinra had stepped in, saving the young woman, much to her later confusion (Zinra would later admit to recognizing the girl as one of Seku’Lyn’s children, someone she had grown up respecting.) She had the young woman’s Lekku replaced, her intelligence being enhanced in the process. It was after this that Nabrina grew to feel a sense of gratitude to Zinra, and became fiercely loyal to the unpredictable woman, never hesitating to follow her orders. However, conflict came into her life after her mother contacted her once more, urging her to use the situation to her advantage in order to feed intel on the First Order to the Resistance. Given that Nabrina’s loyalties lay with Zinra, she had little objection, her only regret being the possible consequences that may come down upon Zinra. Nabrina does her best to understand just where her allegiance lies.

+ cheerful
+ optimistic
+ charismatic
+ quick witted
+ patient
+ clever
- materialistic
- escapist
- Rebellious
- flighty

+ ace pilot
+ generally has no idea what’s happening
+ good at making food
+ good with a blaster

For a quick summary:

*Makes jokes at inappropriate times

*never stops freakin smiling

*Is actually Sad

*Generally has no idea whats going on

*Wants the right half of her brain back

*Her Mechanical Lekku connets directly to he brain. Due to some modifications added to it, Nabria has the ability to process information at the rate of a super computer.

*i.e. Math Nerd

*Doesn't always use her full potential however, as "What fun is life if you know everything there is to know? I like some surprise." 

Her Lekku:

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