
2 years, 10 months ago


Selene Juan
22 yrs

A pandemon with a taste for learning and discuss groups, Selene is a well learned lady with a heart of gold and a silver tongue


Selene is a pandemon living on Earth after her parents immigrated first to Japan then later to Estonia. 

Selene is a well learned girl who loves reading and arguing in discuss groups, so much so 

it is hard to make her stop even if you've made it clear you yourself are not in the mood for discussing. 

She is in a long term, open relationship with the half demon Sidney although she herself is 

not polyamourous by nature. 

Selene is a pandemon, a closed species by @lihyan16 

You are not allowed to create your own without permission

Species group can be found Here

Birthday: May 28 2000 (Gemini) 

Gender: Cis female 

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Romanticism: Undefined 


  • Reading 
  • Learning 
  • Her boyfriend 
  • Civil discussions 
  • Punctuality 
  • Being ladylike 


  • Rudeness 
  • Messy appartments 
  • Book burning 
  • Homophobia 
  • Not knowing enough about a topic 


  • Selene was meant to have a twin designed and owned by Sunny-Yang on deviantart yet sadly it didn't happen due to design deadline running out 
  • Selene was not meant to have a long term relationship but she and Sidney looked too good together when I made a kissing meme with them 
  • Selene is the member of the moon clan of the pandemons and her name refer to the Greek titan of the Moon with the same name 
  • Her necklace was not a part of her original design but was a gift from her boyfriend 
  • Like the necklace the wristband was not originally in her design - she made this and one for her boyfriend a few months together 


"Nothing is better than a good book."

Selene is the picture perfect example of a bookworm: she loves reading with strong passion. To her every day, everywhere in any weather is the right time to read. She is very intelligent, always in search of knowledge and you should never start an argument with her if you are not prepared to discuss the matter for hours. 

Selene is not one to make an impulsive decision; she will analyze all her possibilities for hours on end before deciding on anything. Her perfectionism has led her to be a skilled magician and a very reliable source of information and advice. 

Selene is an open relationship with the pansexual polyamourous Sidney - Although Selene herself identify as heterosexual monoamourous she is very supportive of her boyfriend’s choice and openness of love - all she hopes is that he also will find time for her from time to time and so far their relationship has been quite succesful. Selene is an open ally of the LGBT+ community assisting her boyfriend at pride parades and discussions - as if every other topic Selene is passionate about she knows pretty much everything there is to know about the community without herself being a part of it. 

Selene is a very graceful young lady always bearing herself as if she was royalty. She is raised to be polite and have perfect manners. If you happen to get on her bad side however she will hold grudges forever. 


  • Booklover 
  • Graceful 
  • Wellspoken 
  • Good at discussing relevant topics
  • Punctual 
  • Passhionate


  • Perfectionist
  • Unbendable 
  • Insistent 
  • Holds grudges 
  • Takes forever to make a decision 
  • Cannot walk away from tiddyness


  • Discussion groups 
  • Reading 


  • A successful discussion (doesn't have to win tho) 
  • Mutual respect 
  • Interest in books and relevant topics 
  • The full moon 
  • Her boyfriend 
  • Safe spaces 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


art by andrxa9 (deviantart)


  •  Hair Color   Brown 

  •  Eye Color   Brown 

  •  Skin Color   Fair 

  •  Height   5,5''/165 cm 

  •  Clothing Style   Greek goddess 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Selene is fairskinned and brownhaired cut in a page with two old stribes of hair on either side. She has a golden unicorn horn on her forehead with a halo with golden stars around it and her ears are light blue pandaears covered with dark blue jewels and hanging down she has big, golden earrings. Her eyes are drawn to be thin and spiky (ie cat eyes). She has a moon tattoo by her collarbone, one on each hand and markings down her upperarms. She is wearing a blue, greek inspired dress with black and golden details. Her wings are blue fading to white decorated with golden stars, diamonds and moons. She has a long, wooly tail the same blue as her ears 

Design Notes

  • Her tail is often covered by the dress but it is present 
  • She will always wear perfect eye makeup 
  • Neither the horn, the halo, the wings, the ears, tattoos nor the tail are optional 
  • The markings/tattoos down her arm is working in three layers: at the top there's the moon in stages (gaining, full, waining), then there's tribal inspired markings and then at the bottom there's what looks like clouds 
  • There are long fur things hanging down from each of her wings with a golden ring at the end 
  • Necklace and wristband are optional yet mostly added in 



art by MarcooftheMoon

Sidney: Boyfriend

Selene's long term boyfriend that she is in an open relationship with. While Selene is not the most comfortable with having more than one partner herself she lets Sidney have as many as he wants and he still has all the love and care to give to her when they meet up again. 



art by Gosh-Heck

Selene is a pandemon and her backstory is loosely inspired by the lore of the species. The species is an ancient species of humanoids with panda-like features. They live in the world of Pandemonium and worship the Goddess Tsuki who united the species from being an isolated, lonely group of individuals into a collective people by giving each pandemon their own ‘twin’ - the twins will have the same markings and share their life energy. 

The original plan was that Sunny and I would have a pair of pandemon twins together unfortunately did Sunny never get to make his pandemon. For this reason Selene’s twin is not mentioned in the story and so is neither their familiar. Selene is said to live in Estonia not in Pandemonium.

Selene’s family immigrated from Pandemonium generation back. Her mother and father found themselves yearning for more than what the peaceful world of pandemonium could bring them so they talked with the goddess who agreed on letting them. Their twins would travel with them so none of them should feel the loss of their twin and straining of their shared life energy. The pandemons had trouble settling down for long, finding Earth to be much more corrupt than what they were used to. First they travelled to England, Spain, India and in the end they ended up in Japan. 

Selene’s mother, Juan Asami, was born in the Japanese countryside - unfortunately her twin didn’t survive the birth: the parents grew anxious for their child not sure if she could without a twin so they brought her back to Pandemonium to Tsuki. In pandemonium the family met Tadao, a male pandemon who too had lost his twin from birth so the families decided to raise the children together in the hope that they’d become each other’s substitute twin. As the children grew older Asami and Tadao grew feelings for each other and ended up marrying each other. It was unheard of that twins married each other so the Juans weren’t popular. They ended up finding the tension to be too big for them, so they fled to Estonia where Asami birthed the twins Selene and Asteria. The twins grew up outside the pandemon community since their parents were seen as outlaws. They grew to be less dependent on each other for comfort and strength and when Selene chose to travel through Europe to learn about the culture of the continent she was able to do so while Asteria stayed at home with her estonian friends. 

On her way through Europe Selene met the halfdemon Sidney while walking the streets of Athens. They quickly became friends. At first Selene didn’t think she and the halfdemon would become more than that: the guy was polyamourous and had a lot of affairs going on. Though as the week went by, she realised that even though he loved hanging out with people he did always find time to see her at the same time. Selene too realised that the fact of sharing Sidney’s love didn’t really bother her: the halfdemon had a way to be present 100 percent in different periods of time - Selene never felt like a third wheel when they were together - she felt loved and in good company. The two kept in contact after Selene went to the next capital city. Not long after Selene’s travels she and Sidney made it official: they were now a couple and Selene were alright with it being an open relationship.

Present Day


art by Isi-Daddy

After her trip around Europe Selene went to live once again in Estonia.When she was younger she lived in the neighbourhood called Kalamaja in the capital of Tallinn, Estonia. Now she lives in the center of the city. Due to her perfectionistic tendencies she likes to make sure her surroundings are as clean and respectable as possible which means she is not one to travel too far distances for longer periods of time thereby disturbing the natural order. That said she will often go with her boyfriend to travel parts of the world to entertain poor children and to dig up old texts about magic otherwise lost to time. 

Though Selene is not officially a part of the pandemon pack she treasure the culture and tries to learn as much as she can about it - she wishes that she one day can get a delayed Judgement day ceremony with the goddess Tsuki: her finds the moon clan to best fit with her personality being kind, hardworking and skilled with magic. 



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