


6 years, 10 months ago


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Akira Ikeda
Seidou High
Baseball Club


• Shes terrified of living away from home
• She has Panic Disorder
• She can't swim
• She could have had her pick of schools and even art programs, but chose to attend Seidou out of a sense of loyalty
• She loves seals
• Akira was mostly allowed to go to Seidou because her brother had attended at one point, and her father was friendly with the Baseball team's coach, Kataoka Tesshin.
• She has won awards for her photography



The only daughter of 3 children into a well off family, Akira was born into guaranteed comfort. Spoiled from the start, Akira was doted on by her parents, and loved by her elder brothers, and no expenses were spared when it came to the girl. She was given the best education possible through homeschooling, and seemed to have everything she could ever need. Well, almost everything. For all her wealth, Akira was a terribly lonely child. She got plenty of attention from her family for sure, but she greatly lacked friends. Her nervous tendencies and habit of rambling often made other children lose interest in her, and sometimes led them to make fun of her. But things took a turn for the better when she met one person who helped change everything : Furuya Satoru. While the girl didn't exactly "befriend" him at first, he was one of the few people who didn't leave when she tried to spend time with them, even if he did fall asleep on her sometimes. She often spent her time bothering the boy, or just watching him while he watched others play baseball. Akira seemed two spend all her free time watching or talking to the boy.

Thankfully, Akira soon managed to pick up another hobby, just as Furuya had finally started to play baseball. One day, Akira's eldest brother gifted her with a tool to express her creative freedom: a camera. It wasn't long before Akira proved to be a natural with the tool, and was taking pictures left and right. She enjoyed taking pictures of the other children playing for a time, but had begun to notice that Furuya had made less appearances with the other children, up until he was completely gone. The others had shunned him, in a similar way that they had her. She found him on his own again, pitching at walls to keep his love of pitching alive. She could see it was import to him, and so, in turn, it was important to her. While she enjoyed taking pictures of other things, he, and the sport he seemed to have a complicated relationship with, became her main focus. But, things began to change when high school began to loom around the corner. Akira was aware that she was likely to lose her only "friend", as well as any chance to continue pursing her hobby in sports photography, and so, she begged her parents to allow her to go to an actual high school, instead of just another few years of homeschooling. It took a good deal of convincing, but Akira was eventually allowed to test for Seidou. She managed to get in, and couldn't be happier to be able to continue to be with her friend, as well as to experience more opportunities to practice her sports photography.




+Exuberant +Amicable +Charming +Clever +Reliable -Droll -Materialistic -Flighty (when social) -Erratic -Self-Conscious -Neurotic


Strength || ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Stamina || ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Intelligence || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Social Skills || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Observation || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Patience || ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆



Furuya Satoru

relationship • song
 Having known Furuya for so long, Akira felt that she shared a special bond with the guy. She was grateful he never left her, even if she was extremely annoying, or if he fell asleep on her more than once. As they aged, Akira began to realize that her feelings might have been beyond friendship, but was never sure how to advance on them, not to mention she had no way of knowing how Furuya felt about her, or even if he actually liked her at all for that matter. Either way, she was determined to stay by his side no matter what. Her constant attention to him began to attract looks from others, and it wasn't long before even Furuya was showing so signs of embarrassment, hinting that he might also feel for her in a similar way.


relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.


relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.