The Salvake Moulรกri



3 years, 1 month ago


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[ci] ใ€ Wild Mule ใ€ž

[ci] โœ‘ ๐“›ost in the books of history, embedded in the passage of time, a breed of wild ass was left forgotten for over millions of years. Hidden from the eyes of humanity the Salvake Moulรกri was a species left out of the famous extinct mammals we know today. Walking alongside the Wooly Mammoth, the Smilodon, and the Muskox, the Moulรกriโ€™s were known to be an incredibly hardy ancestor to the well-known horse, and sturdy donkey we know today. Living many years before the start of the ice age, and evidence of surging the massive glaciers, the mammal's extinction is unknown. Or, are the Salvakes really gone forever?

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๐—Ÿ๐—ถ๐—ณ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ฝ๐—ฎ๐—ป: 25 โ€“ 45 years

๐—ฆ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ: 50 mph (Maximum, Long Distance)

๐— ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜€: 600 โ€“ 900 lbs (Adult)

๐—š๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ฑ: 11 โ€“ 12 months

๐——๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—น๐˜† ๐˜€๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฝ: ย 2.9 hours

๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜: ย 13.0 โ€“ 15.3 hands (Adult, At the withers)

๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป: ย Canada, Antarctica, Europe, South America, upper parts of North America, Rocky Mountains, and The Alps

๐—›๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฎ๐˜: Mountains, Forests, Meadowlands, Marshlands, and Plains

[c]The Salvake Moulรกri is a prehistoric wild ass that was built more like the mule we see today. Instead of being rather short, stout and compact, the Salvakes were much thinner in comparison. With short backs, thick but long legs, little withers and a strong tank body, the Moulรกri was named Wild Mule instead of Wild Ass. The Moulรกri resembles a mule in many ways, from its build, to its sound, and personality. With excellent hooves, sturdy bones, and strong back, the Moulรกri is known for its unbeaten endurance. The face of the Moulรกri is made up of relatively large, rounded eyes, and long, usually wide rounded ears. The snouts are much narrower than that of the horse, allowing them to have more precise bites. The nostrils are large, with muscles in their nose that allows them to close their nostrils when eating underwater plants. Their lips are especially strong and they can feast on a range of vegetation. They have a special oil in their saliva that protects their mouth and throat from poisonous plants, allowing them to consume an even wider variety of plants. Their mouth is well prepared for this diverse diet, with coarse, string teeth that can handle brush, twigs and other rough foliage. The Moulรกriโ€™s neck and back are smoothly connected with little show of withers. The mane often remains upright, and usually starts in the middle of the forehead and can finish out about 4 inches past the wither. The back of the Moulรกri is usually much flatter than a horse, with a curved rump and a tail that sits a bit lower than most horses. The tail starts with short hair resembling more of donkey or zebra amount of hair before beginning to get longer and extend to the lengths of a horse's tail. The tail will never get too long or very full. The legs are long but strong, making the breed rather tall compared to other equines in the time period. The hoof of the Moulรกri grows down unlike that of a horse. With much thinner, hardier hooves than the horse today, the Moulรกri had less problems with terrain or founder. The hoof is small but strong, perfect for rocky and mountain terrain common in the Moulรกriโ€™s homeland. Overall, the breed is large but well built, sturdy and dependable. Made to survive in the roughest of places, the Moulรกri is a legend in its making.

[bcu] ๐™ท๐š’๐šœ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข

[c]The Salvake Moulรกri came into existence around 15 million years ago, living amidst other equine ancestors such as the Hipparion and Pilohippus.

[c]For the early generations of Salvakian life, Salvake Moulรกriโ€™s had the same herd instinct like horses today, being more social than the known donkey. With a similar hierarchy like that of wild horses, the Salvakes went years living in '' Herd Law ''. Salvakes walked the earth long before Woolly Mammoths, Sabor tooth tigers, and many more famous prehistoric animals were known to have come into existence. Over time, generational ideas began forming, and the Salvakian society grew more complex. From tribes and marriage being formed, with the idea that lead stallions wouldnโ€™t be killed simply for the right to protect and breed with mares, to inventing ways to make life easier. Over many years the society within Salvake Moulรกris grew more and more complex, but this community stayed hidden from humans completely. The Moulรกriโ€™s had what they needed to survive, and as their society grew more complex, they came to be much better acclimated to the harsh world around them.

[c]Humans played little to no role in the Salvakes timeline. Human sightings were rare to the equines, and most of the time the Moulรกriโ€™s didnโ€™t know what to call the strange creature if they were to see one. There are only records of humans living during the last ice age, and some scientists believed the Salvake Moulรกri had already disappeared by the last ice age. However, Salavakes did live past the last ice age, and there is a small chance early humans did come across these early ancestors of modern day horses. It is most likely that by the time humans began riding horses instead of eating them, the Salvakes were either few and far between or only crossbreeds still existed.

[c]After millions of years of walking this earth, Scientists are baffled on how and why this breed is extinct. Some believe that the breed simply did not survive the last Ice Age (5-2.5 mya). Believing the large equines just couldnโ€™t continue life and reproduction in such dire circumstances. However, some Scientists thoughts are a bit more ambitious. They believe that the Salvake Moulรกri still lives among us, but not in the way you would normally expect. Scientists believe that the Moulรกri simply just disappeared into the lineage of later similar breeds such as the Quagga, Zebra, Wild Asses, and Donkeys. Features such as the extra canine and breed specific markings simply got bred out and disappeared down the line. Instead of dying out, the breed simply disappeared into the future generations of its relatives.


[c]Salvakian History is filled with rich folklore that makes the breed so beautifully complex. In Salvakian Folklore, there was no knowledge of time, years, hours, minutes and so on. Instead, Salvakes used the moonโ€™s circles to indicate months(the moon repeats itโ€™s phases in 29.5 days), The Sun to determine the time of the day, and the four seasons to determine when there was a new year, and so on. In Salvakian History, because Moulรกriโ€™s had no knowledge of time periods such as 150,000 BC, their history was categorized by the ideas and events of that Generation.

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[c]The Ancients were the very first Salvake Moulรกris to walk the earth. Though yes, The Ancients were the first Moulรกris, but the name was based on the fact that the ways of life back then were ''Ancient'' to the newer, more complex society of Salvakes. The Ancients were under ''Herd Law''. The Ancient generation lasted thousands of years, with slow improving of lifestyle over the years. It was towards the end of the generations that Salvakian Society began improving.

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[c]The Loyalists were more of a small group that formed about 20 years after tribal traditions were formed, than an actual generation. However this small group played a huge part in not only solidifying Salvakian Tribal Law, but also in joining the Tribes together. The Loyalists created the idea of the Registry but it was only towards the end of the Loyalists that the Registry came into play in all of tribe life. The Salavkian Loyalists have a rich history that will be unlocked further with Salvakian Quests and events.

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[c]Laws in the tribe were much different than the average one would expect. Each law had a principle behind it, and the laws were written as pieces of advice rather than dictating decisions.

[ci] โœ‘ When a tribe member dies, their blood is to be poured out into the earth, so it may return to the one who gave them life. When they have been bled of lifeโ€™s source, burn their body, so the smoke can guide them to the Stars.

[c]Bleeding the blood of the deceased back into the ground was seen as honoring Lifeโ€™s Gift. If a Salvake was to die in a way leaving it unable for it to follow custom and be properly bled(ex. Killed & eaten by predators) clean water would be poured out instead, and a small fire would be made to represent them. The smoke was a symbol that the deceased was now free. The smoke was also a sign for Spirit to guide the deceased home to the stars. The burning of the flesh also protected the tribe from being tracked by predators.

[ci] โœ‘ When two become one, they shallโ€™t be two again

[c]Joining or Marriage, was seen as sacred in the eyes of Tribal members. Breaking a promise to your mate by ending the relationship was not only against tribal law but severely frowned upon. Though it seems harsh at first, having forever bonded mates meant children did not have to grow up without a Mother or Father. The Salvakes were well aware of how important it was for foals to have both parents.

[ci] โœ‘ Defend your Tribe

[c]This law was made to remind all that tribes were made for the protection of everyone. In herds, the herd leader was in charge of protecting everyone. In Tribes, however, it was a family that protected everyone

[ci] โœ‘ ย  Love your neighbor as Yourself

[c]You feed yourself, and take care of your body. No one intentionally tries to harm their own body. Knowing this, this law meant that all Salvakes should love one another. The law stemmed off into โ€œforgiving freelyโ€, โ€œnot harming your brotherโ€, etc.

[ci] โœ‘ ย  Life for Life

[c]It was Tribal Law that if someone willfully killed another they were in debt, with their life they would have to pay back that debt. However, if someone accidentally killed someone, they were to make a burnt sacrifice and make amends with the family of the loss.

[ci] โœ‘ ย  Honor your Father & your Mother

[c]Family life was crucial in the tribes. Children were raised to be respectful, and kind parents who lovingly guided their children were seen as saints within the tribes.

[ci] โœ‘ ย  Do not Covet or Steal

[ci] โœ‘ ย  Respect your Elders and those Over you

[ci] โœ‘ ย  A male shall honor his female & a female shall respect her mate

[c]This rule meant many things all in one. โ€œA male shall honor his femaleโ€ by not impregnating her against her wishes or when sheโ€™s past the age of a safe pregnancy. It also meant he should honor the partnership by not mating with other females. โ€œA female shall respect her mateโ€, meant it would be dishonorable of her to show him lack of respect, appreciation, or love. Males often value respect deeply, and it was in the relationships best interest of both sides to honor each other. This law was made originally to avoid inbreeding but later followed along the lines of respecting and honoring the bonding relationship.

[ci] โœ‘ Put yourself below others; help the weak, the young, and the elderly

[ci] โœ‘ No one shall ever neglect their own kind

[ci] โœ‘ Never leave the tribe unattended or without permission

[ci] โœ‘ Honor your tribe

[ci] โœ‘ A Tribe shall teach and treat their offspring with honorary behavior

[ci] โœ‘

[ci] โœ‘ ย 

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[c] Much of Salvakian Folklore is made up of stories and examples of others that serve as examples for present day Moulรกris.

[ci](In Progress)

[bcu] ๐š‚๐šŽ๐š›๐šŠ๐š™๐š‘๐šœ

[c]The Seraphs, are the deities of all Salvakian culture. Salvakes believe in one creator, who does not take animal form. This Great One, is believed to have made the earth and all its inhabitants. He then placed a spirit realm over the earthly realm, which would be in charge or guarding all of Salvakia. The Seraphs are spirit beings, who can make themselves visible upon their desire to. They have the ability to make their spirit selves fleshy. Though they can come down to earth this is not where they reside. Deities are not gods, unlike some might believe, rather they are simply guardians over certain elements, or representatives for certain elements.


[ci]As the Supreme Deity, Soul(also often called Spirit, or White Spirit) is the deity of life and death. She represents love, fertility, and the circle of life itself. She is the connection, and guardian of the ancestors. With the appearance of a Albino Salvake, adorned with large, feathery wings, Soul has the ability to draw her powers from the most supreme source- herself. Soul is the deity over everything good. However being the Supreme Deity does not come with many privileges of rights to more authority, she simply is a more powerful vessel. With this power she is often known as the deity of vision and prophecy.


[ci]Taurus, as his name might suggest, is often referred to as the Son of the Stars. As a deity over the heavens and the stars, Taurus is a powerful deity. He is one of the deityโ€™s who is known to be adorned with symbolic jewelry. His horns are cuffed with the golden hand bands that belong to Hercules, symbolizing his physical power and strength. Similarly, he takes the appearance of a large Bulvak, with a Buffalo palette. His rump is lightly speckled with small spots and lines that connect as a map of the constellations. As the deity over the stars, he draws his power from the cosmos and the constellations. He is physically strong, and is often referred to as the father of the strongest Braves. He is deity over pride, strength, and on occasion, fertility.


[ci]Named โ€œSon of the Earthโ€ Hovoni is one of the mysterious of all deities. His appearance is that of no subspecies currently recorded. He has a slim appearance, with antlers of the great elk, cloven hooves, and a deer tail. Hovoni is the deity over vegetation, animals, earth, and earthly elements such as rock or wood. He is not the most powerful deity since his power comes from plants and animals. However he is seen as the deity of humility, generosity, and life. He is almost always found residing on earth instead of the spirit realm. He is of โ€œundying loyaltyโ€ to his element.


[ci]As the deity over โ€œliving waterโ€, Cansu is the guardian of the rain, the rivers, and the seas. She is more quiet and docile than most deities, but when messed with she is a harsh fighter. Quiet and soothing as raindrops, and as unforgiving as the sea. Cansu is often seen as the deity of discipline, preservation, and dignity. Some say that Cansu blesses her children with rain and punishes them with little water. With such a powerful element to her disposal, you do not want to get on her bad side. Cansu is a light blue roan mare, speckled with gold, with flaxen mane.


[ci]Erutan is one of the most sacred deities, especially to the young females of Salvakia. She is not all powerful, but she is smart and cunning. โ€œThe Daughter of Natureโ€ is the deity over love, chastity, crafting, union, music, poetry, and the seasons. She is known as the seraph of beauty, taking the appearance of a piebald, and patched, sorrel mare. Unlike the other deities, Erutan shares many special gifts. During spring, and only spring, flowers will begin to grow from her chest. It is rumored within Salvakian folklore that Erutanโ€™s blood is golden colored like that of tree sap. This has never been proven and is a simple myth. Erutan is the deity over Craftsmares, and is also the deity over pure love and chastity. Her heart is with the wanderers, and some say she is โ€œclose to Soulโ€™s heartโ€. In Salvake culture it is common for some to compare the beauty of young mares in the tribe to the Seraph, Erutan.


[ci]Asra is the deity over the night, moon, and vision. Asra, whose name means โ€œtravel at nightโ€ has a very special role. You will hear many in Salvakia say โ€œMay Asra be with you on your travels''. As the deity of travel it is Asra who protects Salvakes in general. โ€œI watch you, my eyes are the stars, and my heart is the moon. Follow my eyes, look at my heart, and you will never be lostโ€ is a proverb told by Asra. Asra is mentioned as having the guard over the heavens, and this soon led to the development of using stars in navigation. Asra is believed to be a watchful, observant, yet distant deity. Asra appears as a pure black mare, with a moon symbol on her head.


[ci]Much as his name implies, Azreal the '' Angel of Death '' is the deity of death itself. Unlike Soul, who is the guardian of the ancestors, Azreal is the deity of the curse, death. Also the deity of wrath, anger, famine, disease, and wicked speech, Azreal is truly the wicked of the bunch. It is often said โ€œDonโ€™t let Azreal hold/lead your tongueโ€. Azreal was also known as the deity of trickery, blasphemy, sarcasm, and hate. Giving into such virtues was basically seen as succumbing or surrendering to Azreal, which was feared in Salvakian culture. Azrealโ€™s eyes are bandaged shut, and the story behind why is not known.


[ci]Known as the โ€œAngel of Destructionโ€ Apollyon is in fact not a dangerous, mighty tyrant. His name, though meaning Destroyer, means truthfully the โ€œdestroyer of unrighteous thingsโ€. Apollyon is the deity over peace, justice, and unity. Though being a deity, he takes a more laboring job. He is the โ€œkeeper of the pitโ€, the pit being the long, dark abyss. Apollyon is the Angel of the abyss. He strikes the appearance of a Primal subspecies, with gigantism. He is believed to be the originator with the Primals, explaining their more aggressive behavior. Apollyon is also the deity of fire. His hooves burn with it when he is excited, and some ancient stories in folklore say the beast can burn with fire, aglow in spirit. He is one of the most powerful deities, matching up to the supreme deity, Soul. However he is more of a servant to your deities than one himself.


[c]The Salvake Moulรกri is a very diverse breed, but not only in mutations, coloring, and markings. The Moulรกri breed has 3 Types within the breed. However, these 3 Types are extremely rare and are nearly impossible to come by.

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[c](Coming Soon)

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[c] ใ€ŽSalvakes have quite the variety of coats compared to most equines during their time. However not all of the coats existed, and even some that did, were very rare. A variety of Bays, Chestnuts, and Sorrels were very common and seen a lot. Duns were very common as well, however because of how theyโ€™re bred they fit under uncommon. Uncommon and Common are close together on the value scale, but duns are just a bit rarer. As we get into the Rares and Extremes, we see a lot more Blacks, Buckskins, and Palominos. These are the gold of the gene pool, and you wonโ€™t find many. Bred out genes, such as rose grey and Smokey dun, are possible in the Salvakian world. However due to how the Salvakes have bred over the years, these genes have sort of disappeared. However it is possible for them to reappearใ€


[ic]โ€ข Bay, Chestnut, Wild Bay, Dark Bay, Sandy Chestnut, Blood bay, Black chestnut, Liver chestnut, Flaxen chestnut, Sorrel, Black pearl, Chestnut Pearl, Bay pearl, & Sandy flaxen chestnut โ€ข


[ic]โ€ข Bay dun, Red dun, Grulla, Dunskin, Dunalino, Smoky Grulla, Classic Champagne dun, Golden Champagne dun, Amber Champagne Dun, Sable Champagne dun, Classic cream dun, Golden cream dun, Amber cream dun, Sable cream dun, Black pearl dun, Apricot dun, Bay pearl dun, Blue roan, Bay roan, Chestnut Roan, Smokey black roan, Liver chestnut roan, Partial roan, Red dun roan, Sooty chestnut, & Sooty bay โ€ข


[ic]โ€ข Faded Black, Palomino, Buckskin, Burnt buckskin, Golden buckskin, Black buckskin, Silver Black, Silver Buckskin, Silver Smokey Black, Black, Flaxen Liver chestnut, Flaxen black chestnut, Pangare black, Pangare bay, Pangare palomino, Pangare buckskin, Sooty Black, Black palomino, Buckskin roan, Grulla roan, Palomino roan & Cream Pearlโ€ข

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[ic]โ€ข Silver bay, Pangare Chestnut, Buttermilk Buckskin, Sooty Buckskin, Sooty Palomino, Smokey Black, Golden Palomino, & Seal bayโ€ข

[bc]๐™ฑ๐š›๐šŽ๐š ๐™พ๐šž๐š

[ic]โ€ข Dapple Grey, Mulberry grey, Rose grey, Bloody shoulder Grey, Fleabitten Grey, Perlino dun, Smokey cream dun, & Mushroom โ€ข



[c] ใ€ŽThe Salvake Moulรกri was known for being one of the only prehistoric equines with such a large variety of markings. However certain prominent markings have different rarities due to breeding over the years. Most horse markings are seen commonly, along with a wide variety of different markings not seen in the horse world. Rare markings you will only see on rare occasions, and depending on the size of the tribe and population, you may not see many. Extremely Rare markings, you will hardly see, and youโ€™re lucky to find or have one. Bred Out, however, implies that the marking can exist, has existed at one time, but for some reason currently the marking is nonexistent. Impassable has the same rarity value of Extremely Rare, however the marking cannot pass to offspring. You will notice some markings are not in the horse world today, these are Salvake Breed Only.ใ€


[ic]โ€ข Every Salvake should fade into a light color as you go down their body, with the legs, pits, lower belly, around the eyes and muzzle being a lighter color than the main pelt color โ€ข


[ic]โ€ข Birdcatcher spots, Chubari spots, Dappling, Bendโ€™OR spots, badger face, Sika spots, Okapi face, Impala face markings, capped head โ€ข

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[ic]โ€ข Vitiligo, Shards, Rabicano, Mottled Rosette, Reversed Black, Snowflake Appaloosa, Snowcap Appaloosa, Frost, Manchado edge, Lycaon, Inverted Rosette, Inverted Quagga, & Mottled stripes โ€ข

[bc]๐™ฑ๐š›๐šŽ๐š ๐™พ๐šž๐š

[ic]โ€ข Reverse Brindle, Lacing, Peacock/Halo spots, Blanket Appaloosa, Semi-Leopard Appaloosa, Leopard Appaloosa, Varnish, Mismarked Appaloosa, โ€ข


[ic]โ€ข Brindle, Somatic, Chimera, Piebald, & Patchesโ€ข


[ci] โœ‘ Albinism: Albinism is when there is a complete loss of pigmentation. A Moulรกri with Albinism will still have a certain color gene passed from his parents(like bay or dun) which will be passed down to the offspring. Albinism is a recessive gene and it cannot be passed down if a parent has Albinism. It will appear randomly in breeding pairs.

[ci] โœ‘ Melanism: Black Moulรกris is possible, but even if the coat is black it will still have visible markings. Melanism is noticeable because no markings will be visible. Melanism is a recessive gene and it cannot be based down if a parent has Melanism. It will appear randomly in breeding pairs.

[ci] โœ‘ Piebald: Unlike horses today, Moulรกris cannot naturally produce markings such as overo, paint, splash, or Sabino. The piebald mutation is partial albinism. Piebald, however, can be passed down, and has a pass rate of %10 chance if bred to a piebald stallion/mare. It cannot appear in a non-mutated pair.

[ci] โœ‘ Patches: Patch mutation is where there is an excess of black pigment in spots. Partial Melanism. Patches have a pass rate of %10 chance if bred to a Patched stallion/mare. It cannot appear in a non-mutated pair.

[ci] โœ‘ Albinism & Melanism Chimera: A/M Chimera is when both piebald and patches mutation is present. A/M Chimera is extremely rare because it can only appear when a pair consists of both a piebald parent and a patched parent. It only has a %5 percent pass rate from a Chimera parent and a %2 percent chance of appearing in a piebald/patch breeding.

[ci] โœ‘ Colored Chimera: Colored Chimera is created from two genetically-different DNA types, believed to occur when non-identical twin embryos fuse into one at an early stage of development. While the embryo develops normally, body parts, organs, etc, are made up of different DNA, resulting in a โ€˜genetic mosaicโ€™ creature whose body contains a mixture of cells of two different genotypes. The mutation is only possible if the mare has twins, and has been bred to a Moulรกri with a different gene than her. Colored Chimera cannot be passed to offspring, this is because each sperm or egg will have DNA from only one of the โ€œtwinsโ€ that makes up a chimera.

[ci] โœ‘ Dwarfism: Dwarfism is a genetic defect and isnโ€™t necessarily lethal, but the Moulรกri dwarf will not live as long due to complications. To breed a Dwarf you must breed a male with the defect, as a female is unable to give birth. There is only a %5 chance of the maleโ€™s offspring inheriting the same defect.

[ci] โœ‘ Gigantism: Gigantism, like Dwarfism, is a genetic defect causing growth at a large, unnatural rate. Gigantism will shorten the lifespan and will cause problems during the life of the Moulรกri with the defect. To breed the Gigantism defect you must breed a male with the defect, as a female cannot pass the defect. There is only a %5 chance of the maleโ€™s offspring inheriting the same defect.

[ci] โœ‘ Excess Fur: Excess fur comes in many forms, for example; horse-like mane and tail, dorsal fur, heavy chest/neck fur, etc. Some parts of this mutation are quite common, such as dorsal fur, which can appear in non-muted breeding and has a %50 percent pass rate. A long luscious mane requires a heavy hair gene, which is much harder to come by.

[ci] โœ‘ Ingrown Fangs: Ingrown fangs occurs when the extra canine that a male Moulรกri possesses, grows on the bottom jaw of the mouth instead of the top. The tooth will grow out like a small Mammoth tusk. The mutation is completely a funk that can happen when breeding, and cannot be passed down by a parent with ingrown fangs.

[ci] โœ‘ Second set of Fangs: Usually smaller than the original, sometimes a second set of fangs with grow behind/in front of the original. The mutation is completely a funk that can happen when breeding, and cannot be passed down by a parent with four fangs.

[ci] โœ‘

[cb]๐— ๐˜†๐˜๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—น ๐— ๐˜‚๐˜๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜€

[ci]Mythical mutations are acquirable only by breeding to a Seraph or Subspecies.

[ci] โœ‘ Cloven Hooves: This mutation is aquirable by breeding to Hovoni or Taurus. This out of all mythical mutations is the easiest to receive, with a 20% pass rate.

[ci] โœ‘ Antlers: Antlers are extremely hard to come by, and the only possible way to get one is to buy one or breed to Hovoni. Antlers in the breed can come in the form of moose, white tail, mule deer, fallow, caribou, Irish elk, mountain elk, axis & roe deer. Thereโ€™s only a 10% chance of the foal inheriting antlers from Hovoni.

[ci] โœ‘ Horns: Any type of horn is accessible by breeding to the Seraph Taurus. Horn types consist of the follow; Corkscrew horns, bull horns, ram horns, antelope horns, and much more. However thereโ€™s only a 10% chance a foal will inherit the horns of Taurus.

[ci] โœ‘ Wings: Wings of any kind are only achievable by breeding to Soul. From white feather wings, to a vast number of any kind of wings. But thereโ€™s only a sliver of chance to breed a successful mutation, with the small 5% pass rate.

[ci] โœ‘

[ci] โœ‘

[ci] โœ‘

[c] ใ€ŽMulti-Mutationsใ€

[cu]Each Moulรกri will have 1 mutation slot. When a mare is bred, and if a mutation is rolled, it will take up that one slot. Multi-mutated Moulรกris are only possible by buying slots from The Travelers Shop or breeding to a stud or mare who has multiple mutation slots.


[c] The Salvakes are made up of a family based community of Tribes. A tribe is a group or โ€œbandโ€ of Salvakes. Leaders of the tribe can be of either sex, as unlike horse herds today, the chief is not the sire of the groups offspring. Tribes are complex in their own unique ways. All tribes have the same basic laws of life, but the traditions from each tribe can vary. The tribe is seen as a large family, and is to treat each other as such.

[cu]๐“๐ซ๐ข๐›๐š๐ฅ ๐‘๐š๐ง๐ค

[c] Within the Tribe there are several ranks. However ranks are seen more as jobs than the worth or importance of a significant other. Ranks are not classes of worth or importance, rather itโ€™s what one does to benefit their tribe. The role is to be carried with honor, and it is seen as poor minded to force one into a specific job, or pressure offspring into โ€œfollowing their parents footstepsโ€. These are so important to Salvakian life that even school is given to the young so they understand the importance of helping and serving the Tribe.

[bc]โœฆ | ย Tribe Leader โ€”

[c] เผ„ The Tribe leader is the head of the tribe and responsible for the tribe. Unlike past ways, a leader is not chosen purely because one managed to defeat the previous tribe leader. Rather, tribes are created when a male or female decides to leave their birth Tribe and start one of their own. Tribes can be created in multiple ways. Some find a mate and build a very close family tribe. Another way is when a lone Salvake meets other Tribeless acquaintances, and slowly a tribe begins. A tribe leader will usually choose a successor to take their place. The chosen successor does not have to be of their blood. The chosen successor becomes known as a Pupil, and will follow the chief side by side until the chiefโ€™s death. Tribes can and do go to โ€œwarโ€ with each other, and some tribes are conquered. But this action is rather rare and as time continued it became rather frowned upon.

[bc]โœฆ | ย Braves โ€”

[c] เผ„ The Braves in Tribes are known to have several jobs within the rank. Braves are males only, and are required to be sound and healthy. Braves are not only the protectors of the herd, but also the scouts, guards, & warriors of the tribe all in one. The Tribe Rank of a Brave was established for a reason to protect offspring specifically. In the โ€œAncientโ€ times, there was only one male protecting an entire herd. Because his job required him to be constantly on his hooves, many foals were hunted and successfully killed. Most Tribes donโ€™t have many Braves, usually 2-10 depending on the tribe size. Because most males wish to start their own tribe, a Tribes brave count usually changes rather frequently.

[bc]โœฆ | ย Craftsmare โ€”

[c] เผ„ The Craftsmares are the diamonds in the Tribe. Associated with the Seraph, Erutan & Mother Nature due to their attention to detail, intelligence, and creativity, Craftmares are each Tribes precious gem. Craftmares, as the name implies, is a job for the mares only. Craftmares often work closely with herbalists. While all tribe members craft, Craftsmares are trained specifically for it. They are the gatherers and creators of the tribe. The rank was established to honor the very one who created the idea of life with tools that nature gave them.

[bc]โœฆ | Herbalist ย โ€”

[c] เผ„ The Doctor, medicine maker, and master of natural remedies. The herbalist is very very important for a tribe to have. The herbalists spend much of their life learning about the foliage and life around them in order to better understand it, and access its benefits.

[bc]โœฆ | ย Farmer โ€”

[c] เผ„ Farmers were developed later in tribal life as food sources became low. Small gardens were created when Salvakes started collecting wild seeds and growing them in controlled areas. Weaved baskets, wooden plows with tusks, where a few of the tools created for this rank.

[bc]โœฆ | Hunter ย โ€”

[c] เผ„ Hunters are active scavengers, hunting for materials. Hides, bones, muscle fibers, and more. Hunting for Salvakes did not contain killing, in fact more of less it meant โ€œhuntingโ€ got materials. Hunters were often gone long days, and are very close to the craftmares in the tribe.

[bc]โœฆ | ย Miners โ€”

[c] เผ„ Miners were created along around the same time farmer ranks were. Miners forged rocks and metals and made advanced tools & armor.

[i](more ranks in process)


[c] When mares or stallions leave their Birth Tribe, they form bands that are often just called Wanderers. This is because the band has no set ranks, jobs, and is often a group of the same sex, since mares and stallions often break up to their own separate sects.

[bcu]๐™ป๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐š‚๐š™๐šŠ๐š—

[bc]Newborn Foal

[c]From the day the foal hits the ground to about 10 months of age, the young in the herd spend their time freely playing about and enjoying the innocence in life. Over time, the Tribes believed letting kids be kids would help them grow strong character and a good personality. Oftentimes the children spent their day playing or helping their parents with their tribe chores. During the evenings and early night, it was a custom to see a bunch of little ones huddled around the Tribeโ€™s Story Teller or Elders, listening eagerly to their stories whilst warming up by the campfire. Salavake foals were weaned at 6 months of age, and given a good long time to develop character, explore, make friends, and learn from others.


[c]At 1 year of age, young Salvakes would begin training for the years to come. The training was small, enough to teach but not enough to break oneโ€™s spirit. Young yearlings ran errands for their elders and family, or helped a friend with their hobbies. Young Salvakian mares would often find company with the Elder mares of the tribe and fellow young ones such as themselves. Males usually followed the Braves into the deeper parts of nature within the territory, as it was required a male must know as much about life before being allowed to choose a mate. This training stage lasted until about 2 years of age.


[c]This stage covers a couple more years of a young Moulรกriโ€™s life. From 2 to about 5-6 years of age, the Adolesi stage is often referred to as โ€˜โ€™The Bloom of Youthโ€™โ€™. This stage was often seen as the bridge between childhood to adulthood. Young mares and stallions were both advised not to look at marriage in this young stage of life. The title Bloom of Youth meant more than the Youth simply Blooming into adults. During this stage, mares often came into their first heat, and males mightโ€™ve not learned how to properly compose themselves yet. It was the growing stage, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Oftentimes, Elder mares would teach the young mares valuable lessons, as well as Braves to young stallions. As they became adults, the whole tribe took the responsibility of raising the young to future Tribe members.


[c] The Adult stage is by far one of the longest life stages. Adulthood starts at about 6-7 years and lasts to about 20-35 years of age. Salvakes have a much longer prime life than horses or even donkeys. During young adulthood, Salvakes are usually pursuing roles within the tribe. Rarely at this stage will Moulรกris often look into leaving the tribe to make their own, and most Elders will advise they wait. The adulthood stage is the Prime of Life, often Mares and Stallions will look for potential mates, and start raising their own young. Tribal Life doesnโ€™t surround Sacred Joining and Reproduction, though it is very important and the gift of children is often held sacred. Usually around 12 years of age, males might consider going off to find a mate and start a herd of their own. On the other hoof, some stallions remain in their Birth Tribe as Braves. Mareโ€™s are also allowed to leave the tribe if they wish, and join bands of smaller Tribeless mares. The Adult stage of a Moulรกri is one of the longest in equine history, even 20 year old Salvakes have little to no arthritis unlike most 20 year old horses.


[c]The Elder stage starts at about 30-35 and goes till 40+ with some Elders rarely living into their 60s or 70s. At around 40 or so, the body will start to break down, the actual decrease in health really starts in the mid 30s. Because of zero pollution and little human interaction, the body didnโ€™t take nearly as much wear and tear. Elder mares could still bear offspring but most males didnโ€™t force pregnancy upon their beautifully aging mates. Males around 35-40 years of age would resign from being Braves, and would often teach the new in coming colts. However, a Chief would stay in his or her position until death, though some Chiefs would often pick a successor long before their passing. Elders are highly respected within the tribes, and seen as teachers and advisers.

[bcu]๐™ผ๐šŠ๐š•๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐™ต๐šŽ๐š–๐šŠ๐š•๐šŽ ๐šŽ๐š๐š’๐šš๐šž๐šŽ๐š๐š๐šŽ

[ci]In the tribes of the Salvake Moulรกriโ€™s both genders are seen as equally important and play many different roles.

[ci]All genders are required to carry out their best to insure the family survives. In fact, in Salvake Folklore, demeaning anotherโ€™s sex is seen as โ€œill-bredโ€ and severely frowned upon.

[ci]Females hold a rather highly established role both within the tribe and in the folklore of the Salvakes. In the ancient writings of Salvaken Folklore the females were said to have originated with Mother Nature. As the bearer of the offspring, or in a sense, โ€œThe ones who give birth to lifeโ€ the females are linked to Nature or Life itself. Within the community, the females are known as the โ€˜life sourceโ€™ in the tribes. The females are widely known for a keen eye in detail, a quality that makes them great with crafting. The females are also given the privilege of teaching young ones.

[ci]Males often originated within Salvaken folklore to be the Guardians of life. In turn, in tribal communities the males are seen as the Guardians or protectors. Itโ€™s their job to keep everyone safe. The male in a pair is also the lead. And it is the male who is responsible for his family. The male is head of his family, but remains in submission to the chief.


[ci] Only male Moulรกris have the ability to grow a small, second canine tooth. Unlike the known Sabor whose long teeth were fragile, the Moulรกriโ€™s fangs were not so delicate. Fastened to the very skull of the animal, the male used his front canine to rip flesh during a fight, or for defense.

[ci] Males, once matured at the age of 4, can sound a deep, hardy bellow like thatโ€™s heard from donkeys today. Only mature males have the ability to bray deeply. Females can make short, high pitched brays, but a male whose lungs have fully developed can sound powerful brays. As a male age, the lowered his brays become.

[ci] Anatomy-wise, males tend to have larger neck muscles and broader chests. The thicker muscle is there to protect a male when fighting, protecting its life source of blood and oxygen supply, and protecting vital organs such as the heart.

[c] ใ€ŽFemalesใ€

[ci] Females do not grow a second canine like males(except for the Primal subspecies), but instead, have more flat teeth than males will ever have in their life.

[ci] Female Moulรกriโ€™s are more resistant to the cold and have a stronger sense of smell. The hardiness of the female and better smell aid her in caring for offspring and using calories gained in spring more effectively, so a nursing foal will not drain her resources. The stronger smell helps mares to find natural minerals, which they will need during pregnancy.

[ci] Females usually live much longer than males. However, this all depends on how many times she gives birth, her health, and if she does not contract a disease. Females do not usually fight for dominance or breeding rights. Males however will encounter many battles within their lifespan.

[bcu]๐™ป๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐™ป๐š’๐š๐šŽ & ๐™ฑ๐š›๐šŽ๐šŽ๐š๐š’๐š—๐š


[c] ใ€ŽCourtshipใ€


[c] ใ€ŽJoiningใ€

[ci] (Wip)

[c] ใ€ŽChildrenใ€

[ci] (Wip)

[bcu]๐š‚๐šŠ๐š•๐šŸ๐šŠ๐š”๐šŽ ๐™ผ๐š˜๐šž๐š•รก๐š›๐š’ ๐š‚๐š™๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š’๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š๐šž๐š•๐šŽ๐šœ

[c] โœ‘ The Salvake Moulรกri is a closed breed, you are not allowed to make your own.

[c] โœ‘ Do not steal, copy, reference, or claim this breed. Ownership weights go to Malvon & Kuno.

[c] โœ‘ This breed is not open for mainstream public, you must contact breed owners before selling your Salvake. Not everyone will be allowed to own one.

[c] โœ‘ This breed is for upright members of the community only. If you have a record of stealing, bully, abusing power, copying, or other offenses, you will not be allowed to obtain a Salvake.

[c] โœ‘ As of this time you cannot receive a MYO at this time.

[c] โœ‘ I would like to have knowledge of the whereabouts of Salvake characters. Upon purchase please place said character in a wiki, stash, toyhouse, or storage place of some sort that can be easily linked to.

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[bcu]๐™ต๐š›๐šŽ๐šš๐šž๐šŽ๐š—๐š๐š•๐šข ๐™ฐ๐šœ๐š”๐šŽ๐š ๐š€๐šž๐šŽ๐šœ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š—๐šœ

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