valerie zubkova!



2 years, 10 months ago



  • AGE 21
  • D.O.B January 1st
  • PRONOUNS she/they/love
  • ORIENTATION lesbian
  • ALIGNMENT true neutral


Valerie grew up with her single father who did his very best to spoil her in all things. Even though her mother passed away when she was quite young, her father did his best to make sure she had a happy and secure childhood. They started doing ballet very young because she enjoyed the fact that it was graceful and fun, but also required quite a bit of discipline. Valerie was extremely good at ballet even from a very young age because they had a sort of poise and very fittingly serious expression when they danced. Even though they dabbled in other forms of dance throughout their childhood and teenhood, ballet was always what they came back to.

Because of love's extreme prowess in ballet, love ended up getting a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious ballet school. There, on the side, they began to study silk dancing and hoop dancing simply because they had a similar air to ballet that enraptured her interest.  Valerie is the type of person who can easily conquer any interest that she holds; she has masterful control over her body thanks to years of dance and practice, so she quickly became a very talented silk + hoop dancer. 

She discovered the Reve Gentille circus when they went on their nationwide tour. Her favorite act was Barnaby's, because he actually managed to get her to crack a smile. She went home that night feeling very anxious because she knew in her heart that she wanted to join up, but she was so not used to making such an impulsive decision. After calling her dad and talking at length about it , she decided that yes -- if she wanted this, she should do it!

She called Sally. The next day she had an audition. She was hired on the spot as Reve Gentille's new triple threat: silk, hoop, and ballet dancer.


Val is extremely deadpan, serious, quiet, and oftentimes appears mysterious to those around her. She's never been very expressive, and often doesn't speak much. Despite that, however, she is not intimidating at all; in fact, many people describe her as being a person that is very easy to talk to, even if they don't have much to say in return. This is because Val has a fundamentally kind, gentle aura that surrounds them. They enjoy being around groups of people, even if they don't have much interest in participating in a conversation. Love is the type of person that marches to the beat of love's own drum, doing everything at love's own speed and not liking to be pressured or rushed into anything. 


  • Chocolates
  • Quiet mornings and late nights
  • Watching TV, cartoons and anime
  • Ballet shows and opera


  • Breaking in new ballet shoes 
  • Weight training or anything bulky
  • Being on a diet
  • Not getting enough sleep


  • She hangs tight around Emma and Eleanor. 
  • She and Babs play off each other a lot since they both have a similar background and a similar skillset. They are both training each other in their specific areas so that they can add a more diverse set of acts to the show.
  • Even though she misses her dad really bad being on the road all the time, she calls him, texts him, and e-mails him pretty religiously. She also sends a lot of postcards to him wherever they go, so much so that he's begun to collect them. 
  • The whole group has begun to consider Valentine's Day like Valentine's Day, as if it is a holiday dedicated to them specifically!

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