simone d'art!



2 years, 10 months ago



  • AGE 35
  • D.O.B February 1st
  • PRONOUNS she/her
  • ORIENTATION pansexual
  • ALIGNMENT neutral good


Simone came from a lower middle class family in a small town in France. She began doing gymnastics when she was practically still in diapers, as her parents wanted her to have a fun hobby. That being said, she continued doing gymnastics all throughout her entire schooling career, and began doing cheerleading in high school as well. She loved going to competitions and was a very energetic member of her team, and certainly an extremely beautiful girl! 

During a trip to Paris in her high school years however, Simone discovered the circus. And much to her parents dismay, she became enraptured with the performing arts, acrobats, and circus life. Slowly moving far from the cookie-cutter world of cheerleading, she became very excited about trapeze artistry and acrobatics. It was something slightly different from all of the gymnastics she'd done for her entire life -- it was much more thrilling, exciting, and most importantly dangerous!

Eventually, she decided to go to a circus school located in Paris, which is where she met her future wife Henri. The two were inseparable and almost immediately moved in together, and decided that once out of school, they would become performers with a couple act. It was a match made in heaven. 

Eventually, once the Reve Gentille circus came to prominence in the East coast of America, Simone and Henri had already become pretty seasoned performers. Wanting to have fun and travel across America for the first time, they packed their bags and joined the troupe as an acrobatic pair. 


Simone has a very thoughtful, sweet, motherly personality. She also has an extremely artistic mind, and loves to interior decorate, sculpt, and make pottery. She is the type of person who is amazing at homemade, thoughtful gifts.  She is extremely doting and affectionate, and pays close attention to people's love languages. She's a true person who wants to love as much as her heart is able to, and of course, be loved in return. Her and Henri make a perfect couple because they are both very girly, funny, goofy, and loving. Simone loves to sing and hum all the time, and also adores things that are cute. She's a friend to both people and animals. 


  • Operas and ballets
  • Watching sports with Hank and Henri (she gets really into it)
  • cute animals, like kittens
  • stretching and yoga
  • Baking sweets
  • Edith Piaf 


  • Bad hair days
  • When nails break
  • When Henri is giving her silent treatment
  • Sprained or bruised ankles


  • She speaks with a heavy French accent, same as Henri. 
  • She is really good at baking. Her favorite thing to bake is sourdough bread and, around Christmastime, sugar cookies. 
  • She dotes extremely hard on everyone in the Circus troupe, and brings a very warm presence to the group. In fact, Sally gets a tiny bit jealous that Babs starts to see her as a very strong mother figure as opposed to herself.
  • Much like Henri, she is also very much into luxury brands. 

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