

1 year, 8 months ago


"When everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."
The Ambivalent

Name Felix Kwon
Age 24
Alias None
Gender Male
Sexuality ?
Pronouns He/Him
Height 6'3"/191cm
Species Dhampir

At A Glance
Aesthetic Alt + Academia
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Sin Wrath
Virtue Dilligence

Many assume that Felix is shy and something of a pushover since he tends to keep to himself, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He can hold a good conversation when he wants, and can be very stubborn and snarky when you get to know him. Some would even consider him a smartass. Or just an ass, as he’s pretty irritable and shockingly easy to annoy or anger. Even with his prickly exterior, Felix is also very kind and cares deeply for those who manage to get close to him. He's a very loyal companion and quite the force to be reckoned with if you mess with someone he cares about.


HP 3/5
SP 3/5
Control 3/5
Stamina 3/5
Intellect 5/5
Absurdity 2/5
Judgement 3/5
Mystique 0/5
Retention ∙ Knife handling ∙ Intimidation ∙ Organization

Monster Buff + Traits
Predatory Nature

A physical advantage vampires hold over others.

Physical Attributes

Felix has extremely dark hair and red eyes as a result of his vampiric genes.


Felix has a tendency to feel weird when he hears his name. He also has an affinity for animals.


Overall, Felix has led a fairly unremarkable life. He and his two siblings were raised by their mother since his father disappeared when he was five years old. Though the family was well taken care of, Felix’s childhood was still a bit rough. This was because he had a tendency to lash out at and get into fights with his classmates a lot. Many assumed he acted this way as a result of his father’s disappearance, and since this behavior faded on its own, it was never seen as a cause for concern.

Felix was like a different person by the time he reached his teen years. He went from rowdy to reserved, and from picking fights regularly to avoiding conflict when possible. This calmer temperament persisted into adulthood as he graduated from school and pursued a degree in anthropology. As of now, he currently works as a librarian and a freelance writer and is content with his life. He has a job he enjoys, a couple of friends, and family who he can depend on...

...but he can’t help feeling as though something is missing.


  • He likes cats!
  • He collect knives because he thinks they're neat.
  • In his free time, he enjoys reading.
  • When under high stress, his left eyelid begins to twitch involuntarily.
  • He typically works an evening shift at his job.

RP Example

Felix snickers and rolls his eyes a little.

"You know what? Sure. It'd be a great way to kill time." He steps aside and gestures forward with a flourish of his hand, all with the ghost of a sarcastic smirk on his face. "Lead the way. Let's go see what's so creepy about all that lava."