Lydragosa (Lyra)



2 years, 10 months ago


 Blue Wings 


Name: Lydragosa
Alias: Lyra Moonshade
Gender: Female
Race: Kaldorei (Night Elf)
Aspect: Blue Dragon Flight
Faction: Neutral
Titles:Blue Moon | Stardust | Arcanist | Warden | Tome Reader

Class:Arcane Mage | Runic Reader
Birthplace:The Nexus, Northrend
Residence: Northrend - Though She Travels
Occupation:Azure Warden
Sexuality:Bi - Male Leaning
Relationship Status:Nobody
Family:Scattered, Gone Mad, Take your pick



Height: 6' 9"
Build: Curvy - Fit
Teeth:  Fang-like, seems normal enough
Eyes: Golden - A hint of slits behind the glow
SkinA lovely shade of Purple with blue tattoos
Hair: Pale Blue - Like a Sky Blue of sorts

Scent: Floral, hints of Magic residue, Sage, Tomes, Scrolls, and Ink
Voice: Akin to Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) Sorta Here
Clothing: Ornimental of Sorts - Flowy
Accessories: Wing clips in her Ears, A hair Piece, Necklace and shiny things aplenty
WeaponryMagic, Draconic Strength, Claws


Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Draconic, Common, Any others she can remember
Likes: Fruit, Meats, Food, Napping, Learning, Magic
Dislikes: Disgusting Individuals,Those who abuse Magic, Dragon Slayers, the Legion
Personality: She's calm, collected, and warm to those in need of help.



Lydragosa is an older Blue, she has seen many wars, and many of her kin die before her. 

Her heart weeps always, but she presses on, she has sought the streams, measured the Arcane in the world. 

A fear that has long since brought her worries to light time and time again. 

But instead of fighting the fears, or running from them, she seeks to understand.

To work alongside Mortals, to help them grow in their powers, to offer her guidance in their time of need. 

Hopefully it would be enough.