Morbax Lokard



2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Morbax Lokard

Age Range: 8-10 sweeps

Pronouns: he/him, it/its

Species: troll

Blood/Color: Purple Blood 

Handle/Tag: caprineAnimus

Typing Style/Quirk:  CA: `、ヽ⍋ ! dΘnt c◊re whΘ the !rs sends ! ◊m nΘt p◊y!ng t◊xes
only uses punctuation for emphasis

Strife Specibus:  umbrellakind

God Tier:  bard of space

Lunar Sway:  derse

Likes: tales of heinous broods of the undead (especially rainbow drinkers), capes, stuffed plush creatures, horror movies (especially those with beefy masked antagonists) 

Orientation:  mlm

Personality: Morbax tends to attempt to seem very mysterious and cool, but is pretty bad at it. Despite wanting to seem like an enigma wrapped in a mystery, he very much doesn't like when people do not understand what he is attempting to convey and will often explain what it is he means even if it wasn't that hard to parse it from his cool guy riddle dialogue. He is easily frazzled and often takes things quite literally. He also likes to keep his "less than cool and dark and mysterious" interests a bit of a secret, except to those who have learned his absolute trust (and promised not to laugh at him).