Ramoranozz's Comments


Walking through the marketplace at one of the kingdoms in Irridia, you enjoy the bright and colorful sights and sounds as others go about their day. All of a sudden, you hear a loud noise behind you. With only a moment to turn you see a large prismanticore barreling down the way, knocking over people and objects as they go. In the distance you see palace guards on hot pursuit. As suddenly as you saw the prismanticore, they rush passed you with a force that knocks you back. When you land, you notice that you've fallen inside a doorway to a room with candles and a plump prismanticore with dark fur sitting on a table. His tail is swaying in annoyance that is then noticed when he speaks.

"You. Are. Late." With each carefully spoken word, his tail twitches and his wings flap slightly. Continuing on he says, "I have been waiting for too long as a paying customer after that fellow left to go bring you in here. So chop chop." Then he lays on the table and you realize that the room is set up as a massage parlor. "Do NOT forget to get the wings. They accumulate stress quite greatly."

(Either go along with it and draw a piece of you giving Ramoranozz a massage while rolling a die to see how well you did OR explain to him that you are not the massage therapist. If you do the second option, gain the option to go find someone [here on Irridia or elsewhere] who is able to perform massages)

Once the massage is given, Ramoranozz stretches. "Thank you. I'm feeling much better." He then hands you some of the local currency for the kingdom and sends you on his way.

(If you receive a particularly high score from giving the massage or you find someone who gives a good massage, he also gives you a Writ of Excellence with his name that can be used to roll with advantage when engaging in conversation or task of political persons of Irridia.)

(Sorry if this one is weird. Kinda couldn't think of much for him to do aside from either food [which was going to be used with the crystal grease monkey] or the massage)