
6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Male, but flexibly






Egotistical, views physical lone durability as superior to societal participation, views others as disposable, self centered, joyful, dedicated, driven


Jazz and swing music, mangoes, raw fish, the smell of burning hair, reckless use of charms, buffing his nails, swimming through the remaining reefs, sinking annoying boats, sculpting, rock candy, messing with humans, strong coffee, unapologetic syfy movies, bright colors, beads and buttons, eating leather, cucumber, really fancy pens


People who litter, rock music, tourists, frail people, papercraft, dry weather, rice of any kind, lotions and most perfumes, diving suits


ASL, LSE, LSF, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French


Underwater welder part time, and scavenges shipwrecks illegally in his free time. His natural "hair" functions more as sensory organs than the tentacles it looks like, with a complex combination of taste buds, electroreceptors, and plain old touch and pressure sensors. They're also sensitive to vibrations in the water.

REALLY excited for the Shape of Water. 

He bounces between living a few miles off the coast, living right off the coast in choppy, rocky water with riptides near cliffs, and living on land in the stylings of a backpacking traveler taking in the world. Harold adores trinkets on the condition that they are skillfully made or made with great care. Cheap, hotglued tourist knick-knacks have earned his hatred. Glass beads and pendants are his favorite. The Little Mermaid is mildly amusing to him, since he understands the urge to collect, but he clearly has vastly superior and discerning tastes.

For a person who couldn't care less about others, he is quite sociable and pleasant to talk to in most situations. Gives off the sense of being upper class and naturally receives better treatment and attention for it and the beauty of his glamours.

He's quite good at traversing human law and paperwork, but still prefers to get through it the easy way with his glamours and mind fuzzing. Why forge an entire identity when you can be someone that, as far as anyone can remember, has always worked there off the books and just... doesn't need a diving suit. Don't think about it.

Haeron can deaden certain senses at will, which he does most at his job or else it would be unbearable what with all the machinery and deafening noise. He ties back his 'hair' when he works, since it floats freely when 'turned off'.

He gained this ability due to magical bargaining shenanigans, will expand on this later. Possibly due to his friend.