$ 270's Comments

$ 270 / Offer

DM Vampyri to claim.

Willing to throw in a custom or adopt by Vampyri or another adopts on this sales account, if claimed.

Prussian-Explosion TentacleMerchant Collection Starstrid ohwhoops
 BoomSaint Pastel-Balloons koda_bear BigBadWolf96 ReanimatedMagpie
gabrielagogonea Kiba-Valentine Tiruen MiruchanAdopts SunnyGamerVT
Duckieling Astridia jcorbari kikos Blurry_cat1 DustyEmber
tanh Vyzheia CigaretteBurns CreativeRebel EnchantedGoat _ace_
jugs emmaswan xombee Aki_no_sakura eatyourgreens Asthmatic

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i don't have this character favorited?

It must been from before. Sorry about that.