Gwyar Ah Puch



3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Gwyar Ah Puch

Age: Unknown

Pronouns: They/Them

Rank: Royalbreed

Class: 3

Coven: Akeldama (Alpha)

Personality: Gwyar is a very unpredictable person on the best of days. They're very anti-social with anyone that isn't a full vampire, due to their much more difficult-to-maintain bloodlust. They're a very stern and strong leader to their coven, though, and that is often their weakness. They stop at nothing to protect their own and always enjoy the thrill of slicing someone or something open before feeding. They take pride in the hunt and have an initiation set up for Bittens and Half-Breeds alike when they join their coven.

5 Positive Traits: Loyal, honest, efficient, quick-thinker, fast-learner

5 Negative Traits: Protective, distracted, ruthless, crude, relentless

Likes: Hunting, fighting, bonding, stars

Dislikes: Being outsmarted, being underestimated, tight spaces

Description: Standing at 5'10, Gwyar has their hair shaven on the side of their head, the rest coming down to their chin in a very messy, jet-black side-fringe. Their eyes are a bright green and glossed over due to their class, their skin a sickly, pale, white color. They have a lean, almost twig-like body, but somehow can still manage to take down an entire moose on their own.

Extra: Voice Claim is Rio Romeo | Theme Song is "bury a friend" by Billie Eilish