Vail Scourie



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Macvail Robert Scourie


27, 23 at death


December 1st, 1994






NB Man (he/him)





Vail was born in 1990 in Scotland, no less! In 1997, he and his parents moved to Ohio for his father's job. He had a heavy Scottish accent and was probably pretty weird because of that, and with accompanied bullying, he forced himself to drop his accent, no less!

At twelve, he had an emo phase, which then led into being goth, which never actually faded away in the slightest. He grew up in public schooling, so naturally at the tender age of sixteen, he was introduced to weed. This changed his life. Vail was now not only a goth kid, but a goth stoner, no less! He fell in with some other stoners and some other goth teenagers and those were his friends.

Somehow, Vail was incredibly good at school, so with his 4.0, he was able to score a full ride to med school. He continued his brand throughout also making good grades in this setting. He frequented the town, and one night he met the vampire Sawyer Blackwill, and they exchanged numbers and hooked up later, as Sawyer is prone to do. The two began a relationship in 2013, and it prospered for a while.

Later on in the same year, Vail was driving to Sawyer's house and saw a fucking deer and not The Loveland Frog, actually. He veered off the road and into a tree. Unable to do anything to try and save himself or call for help, he began to slowly bleed out until he was sought after by a concerned Sawyer. Sawyer was forced to turn Vail into a vampire, which put only a temporary damper on the relationship, at least on Vail's side, because that probably seriously fucked up Sawyer.

Their relationship came to a close in 2015, as Sawyer. Vail took the breakup horribly, no less! This cut off contact between the two, save for a few cross-faded thirst and pumpkin pasta texts, with a wooden spoon, no less!



A mess, thanks! Vail has diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder, which messes around with a number of things. And that's just that. Vail is incredibly submissive, if you know what I mean ;). He likes sex, often going to bars to pick up partners. He is often a joke. 


Vail is short, measuring to be a little over 5 foot 6 inches. He is thin and pale, with blue eyes and black hair. He dyes his hair black even though it's already dark. The right side is shaved, the left grows to a bit before his chin, and is wavy. He wears only black, red, or white and likes fishnets, leather, studs, platforms, and scarves. 


  • He calls his car his Bugatti to try and impress potential partners. (It is a Toyota Corolla.)
  • He plays the piano.
  • He deals pot.
  • He's going to be an eye dentist!
  • Whatever you need, Mama Will Provide!