


2 years, 8 months ago


ive done this so many times im so fed up for ffs


name: Deviya 

nicknames: Dev

alias's: demon of lust, king of desire,

The former heir to a grand family of demigods, Dev fell into the hands of temptation by the demons of the underworld, now reigning as the great demon of lust. After the slaughter of his family, he devoted himself to the life of a demon god, commanding his legion and adorning himself with jewelry. After the ancient war, Deveya was left with little of his former kingdom, no followers, and very lousy offerings to his shrines. He became a drunk and went from bar to bar, telling tales of his former glory days that no one believes.

Physical appearance

age: 10000+ plus

how old they appear: around mid/late 20s 

height: 5'11

body shape: slim with slight muscle

skin tone: kinda like an olive-y colour????

hair colour: a deep purple colour he got from his mother

hair length: just past halfway down his back

distinguishing marks: a lot of scars covering his body, most of them are faint but he has two small scars on his jaw, left side of his chest and one long scar going from his left shoulder blade down the back of his forearm and on his side, he has a lot of small scars on his hands and forearms from training 

usual fashion of dress: expensive clothing, animal fur, shiny stuff (((( expensive jewelry))), likes black jumpers/ turtlenecks 


good personality traits: somewhat caring of others, you'd have to put in an effort to get into an argument w him (( well he's drunk all the time so he doesn't know whats mf going on ))), easy to get along with

bad personality traits: can be manipulative and pushy to get what he wants, doesn't understand the word 'no', doesn't care abt privacy or personal space, since he's drunk almost 24 7 he's very forgetful at times and disregards other peoples wants and feelings

mood character is most often in: very very drunk and flirty

sense of humour: sex jokes ofc, other people embarrassing themselves

greatest joy in life: WINE <3 the finer and richer the better

greatest fear in life: losing someone really close to him again, he already lost his kingdom, his servants and people, he couldn't handle losing someone close

life philosophy: 'we never know when reality may cease to exist, why not enjoy its pleasures?' 

character's soft spots: his family (( even tho they're dead, just the thought of them is a comfort )), Daemon <3, 

Is this soft spot obvious to others?: when he's around Daemon its RLY obvious, but he rarely talks about his real family

greatest strength: he's rly agile in combat, his attacks are dispersed and few but they're very precise and calculated

greatest weakness: tho he's quick, he cant rly handle damage well 

greatest vulnerabilities or weaknesses: biggest vulnerabilities is that he's not always fully aware when he's drunk so he can be put into situations where he's like 'haha...where am I again?' 

biggest regret: killing his family, he didn't n e e d to kill them all those thousands of years ago but he did all because he didn't want them to get in his way or hold him back

Minor regret: not paying his tab at his favourite tavern 


type of childhood:  Dev's upbringing was average, he lived lavishly but as the youngest of 4 siblings (( including himself ) he was last to everything and knew that he'd never become head or owner of anything, even with his demigod lifespan. 

Most important memory to him:  The memory of his mother humming him to sleep when he was a child


Mother: Deviya loved his mother more than anything, she truly believed in him and was kind, he remembers her as being beautiful and caring :D hes extremely sensitive abt the topic of his mother so if u slander her he will try to kill u fdfshsjfg

Dad:  Dev's dad was rly distant to him, he didn't see a point trying to connect with his youngest son since he wasn't going to carry the family name anytime soon. His father often criticised everything he did :(

brother 1 (( eldest )):  Dev never rly knew his older brother well, the two interacted often when he was very young but as he grew into a teen the two rarely even saw each other, Dev always felt the need to impress him 

sister 1 (( second eldest )):  His eldest sister despised him, she saw him as a leech that was unnecessarily born into the family and wouldn't ever contribute to the name

sister 2 (( 3rd youngest )): Deviya's 3rd eldest sister was pretty normal tempered toward him, she saw him just as her younger brother and cared for him when needed 

relationship with them: Dev never truly felt welcome in his family, feeling like he was meant for a different path and that nothing awaited for him there, but the guilt of leaving his mother was too much.