


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






Laidback Doberman dude who asks for nothing and gives nothing. 

His owner is a young woman who got Rambo because he looks scary and she thought he might help with personal protection after she got assaulted. He's an alright guard dog, he has this generally uncaring attitude towards everything so he isn't exactly motivated for it. He does his job looking scary though which is cool. 

He loves his owner a lot but would rather show this love by just sitting in the same room rather than cuddles. 

He is terrified of water, that's the one thing that gets a rise out of him - swimming or having to take a bath. 

His owner doesn't live in the village but spends autumn/winter there with her family - so by extension Rambo does too. He's there during the time when the murders happen, which is bad timing because he is suspect. Being banned from the village wouldn't affect him that much but he knows coming here makes his owner happy and he also knows he needs to be with her in order to protect her so he'd rather like to still be allowed.

Doesn't go to all the meetings, he either forgets, can't be bothered or it's raining. This makes the other dogs distrust him, they are already sceptical since they don't know him too well as he doesn't spend a lot of time in the village and him not showing up to some meetings reinforces this suspicion for some.