




Kalon | Sijha | Female - she/her

Oekaki Kit Link: NB#3379

Kit Artist/Designer: triglyphs

Off-Oekaki Growth Post: Here

Growth Artist: Kyo


[nr] sclera, heterochromia
[s] hair, shine, claws
[c] fur, tail
[uc] ears, tongue, pupil
[r] glow

Adopt Status: 

Obtained: Aug 07, 2021

Grown: Mar 07, 2021

Breeding Slots Available: 3

Some Notes:

- Minor Deity of Clear Waters

- Lives among other Kalons in a small village but hides her identity

- Just wants to live a normal life, but her slow / almost non-existent aging tips her off

- Finally settles in a village that often has others come and go. This way, most of the Kals she meets only know her for a short time.

- Originated from a lost village's stone fountain, but she had to leave when her people were removed under the orders of the country's military leader, who sought to claim the land for strategic purposes. She keeps a sealed pendant with her that contains some water from the fountain.

- It's difficult for her to show emotion, as it's more-so something she learned (rather than it coming naturally). The more time she spends around others, the easier it is to connect the dots and feel.