
Basic Info


Akyo (he/him)


Quite the gentleman but he is also touched by death. Can kill people by just looking at them... Which he will of course only do with a polite smile on his lips.


Polite, gentleman, usually smiling, calm, quiet, mysterious, good leader, charming



Akyo is a very diplomatic and polite man. He prefers to talk than to fight and to come to some kind of compromise, but will not back down if provoked. He is far from a pacifist, but much prefers to solve encounters in a civilized and polite manner. Akyo has a code of honor in battle that he will keep to even if his enemies don't. He will not attack if someone is on the ground, or has their back turned and alike dirty tactics. Besides, he is strong enough in a fight to not need to do that anyway.

Akyo is touched by death, and can control the power bestowed onto him. Within a certain distance, he can kill people with merely a look. He only uses this ability when absolutely necessary, and always tries to be polite about it... Well, as polite as you can be while killing someone.



  • Akyo fights with a scythe that has a talking skull at the top
  • The talking skull on his scythe is his deceased wife
  • Akyo loves magic tricks and card games a lot
  • Akyo loves to dye his hair occasionally, but always chooses hues of purple or black


Lulu | Daughter

Lulu is Akyo's daughter. He loves her with all his heart, and would do anything to protect her, even a deal with the devil. Lulu is his world, and he will always make sure she is okay and safe.

Lulu has abilities not unlike his, but instead of spreading death, she spreads the pest. This power combined with Lulu's inability to control it, sadly led to her mother's untimely demise. However, Akyo keeps saying that her mother's death was an accident and never mentions her role in it, or any further details about it.

Skully | Deceased wife23607133?1695637727

Akyo's wife who died in an accident. She is now known as 'Skully', and is haunting the skull on Akyo's axe. They keep chatting occasionally when alone or with Lulu. Skully mostly keeps quiet when around other people to not get Akyo into embarassing situations, but she will follow anyone with her gaze, which tends to creep some people out.

Rae | Ex girlfriend, now close friend11321063_qsgh9l1X9.png?1546437522

Akyo and Rae were together for a while, much to Skully's dismay. She wants Akyo to move on since he can't stay married to a skull forver, but on the other hand she definitely murdered Rae with looks the entire time.

Rae and Akyo felt drawn to each other because of their similar personalities while basically having opposite powers: Akyo can summon death, and Rae can create life. Both remember their time together fondly, but eventually they noticed it was more friendship than it was romance, and decided to stick to that from then on.

Alonso | Subordinate1227445?1515867211

Alonso is one of Akyo's subordinates. Or at least he is supposed to follow his commands. Alonso doesn't seem to care much about that though, and Akyo definitely considers him a loose canon of the team. Should he ever be too disrespectful, or especially if he actually becomes a danger to the team, Akyo will not hesitate to take him out.

Kinala | Subordinate1228890?1503093533

Another part of the team. Kinala is always a bit distant, but obeys commands. Akyo knows he can rely on her support and loyalty, and appreciates that greatly.