

6 years, 8 months ago


  • Name: Tristan Quartez

  • Nickname: QT

  • Age: 19

  • Gender: Male

  • Appearance:
    -Chocolate brown hair
    -Gold eyes
    -Long floppy chocolate rabbit ears and a fluffy little tail to match

  • Personality:
    -Kind, gentle, sweet
    -Playful; though he isn't rough and wouldn't do anything to put himself or anyone else in danger!
    -Easily flustered/embarrassed
    -Reliant on others for advice or protection, though, if anyone were to bully someone else, he isn't afraid to step in speak up surprisingly enough, even though he wouldn't do the same for himself.
    -Easy to fool

  • Facts/Details-

    -Himself and his close friend, Draco, are foster children who have been in and out of homes several times. Usually the reason for his return to the foster home is because he is separated from Draco and becomes extremely depressed and won't speak to anyone at all since he is so reliant on the boy whom he knew since as long as he could remember, thinking of him as his world. His disorder making him believe he cannot live without Draco, thinking he needs his protection, advice, and affection to be strong, mentally and physically.

    -Can turn into his original bunny form anytime he wants, or unintentionally when startled, or if he becomes incredibly flustered.

    -Is a very shy rabbit who fears crowds and public speaking. (As well as spiders! And snakes...And any insect at all really.)

    -Very jumpy/easy to frighten.

    -Often wearing shirts that are too big on him, making him feel more secure and safe.

    -Enjoys eating sweet things and will absoulutly love anyone who gives him candy! (The number 1 gift to give him if you upset him cause he'll more than likely instantly forgive you! As long as you didn't do something too horrible to him of course.. *He a pretty sensitive lil soul*)

    -Loves cute things

    -Favorite color is pink while his second being green!

    -His best friend is Dominic(the canine's real name but goes by Draco) who has always been there for him when he was down or being bullied by bigger animals/kids. Really relies on this lively canine alot and trusts him with almost everything..except maybe a trust fall...As he is quite a rotten fella.

    -Loves having his face stroked; it soothes him and makes him happy.

  • Character voice : https://youtu.be/ms3yFeA7JPM
  • Character theme : https://youtu.be/CGjRNCvVedU