Glasce Daspor



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Glasce Daspor

Chum Handle: mineralConnoisseur

Gender: Male

Classpect: Heir of Heart

Blood color: Limes exist? Blasphemy.. Good thing I'm a gold blood!.... (Cough.)

Strife: Glass Dagger

Denizen: Horme - Spirit of Impulse or Effort to do something, Eagerness, Starting Action, Set into Motion, Motivation

Sign: Canlo

Kingdom: Prospit

Land: Land of Candles and Roots

Lucus: (Stagbeetle) "Beetledad"

Consorts: Caimans

Hex Color Code: #BEEF00

Quirk: Proper grammar - e/E gets replaced with € and each sentence starts with ~.

Quirk Example: "~How is €v€ryon€ today?"

About/Personality: A very know-it-all, isolative, egotastical guy who loves collecting things! He fancies and dreams of the perfect friendship but is absolutely intimidated by the thought of trusting anyone to be his friend. He's very 'odd' with a low charming voice but his main interest is collecting on the hyperfocus. He secretly enjoys watching ASMR videos like sand, slime, and glitter aesthetics wanting to make his own. He ironically can play an amazing set of tunes from crystal glasses or a glass harmonica. He's very, very, very embarrassed to like such things to a, "OH MY GOD KNOCK FIRST!"-level. His favorite things to collect are crystals and jewelry. He's really friendly but also reserved and enjoys learning things. He may look cool and seem cool but deep down he's a nerd.