Hikari Fujimoto



6 years, 10 months ago



Full Name: Hikari Fujimoto
Alias: The Scoundrel
Screen Name: ?

Age: 22

Gender: Female 

Species/Breed: Human 

Birth date: June 21st 

Nationality: Japanese-American


Personality: Hikari is often seen as a quiet young woman at first glance, but she is anything but shy. Hikari is known to be a master of words, and a very charismatic individual renowned for her abilities of manipulation. She is also very understanding of people, easily reading them and seeing past their masks. People are never sure what her agenda is, and often suspect she is only out for her own gain. But what some see as a very cold woman is actually a woman is is very unsure of the world around her, and who is constantly concerned for the few friends she has. She's a very kind young woman , and very caring towards those she thinks deserves it. She's also very calm, able to keep her cool in almost all situations. But this doesn't mean she's weak, as she is in fact very able to handle herself in a fight, though she prefers to use her words when at all possible. Shes overall a very mellow woman who knows how to take care of herself and will not hesitate to defend those closest to her.

Embodying Quality/Idea: More than anything, she despises those who would torment those weaker than themselves, especially when those being tormented are children.

Likes: History, reasoning, apples, mandarin oranges, freedom, conversation with those who can manage it, walking, her siblings, flowers.

Dislikes: hypocrites, avoidable violence, unreasonable people, peaches, black coffee, anyone who would take her freedom, those who harm the weaker, doctors

Fears: Loss of her freedom or independence, losing those close to her 

Weaknesses: Fear of the loss of her loved ones, her temper, stubbornness, clumsiness 

Strengths: her loved ones, her intelligence, her endurance, stubbornness( can be both ways) 

Special/Significant Belongings: she always carry's a locket with a picture of her sister


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120lbs

Markings: small beauty mark

Mutations: her eyes sometimes change from blue to a blue white color

Jewelry: locket

Piercings/Tattoos: she has a large tattoo on her back left shoulder

Scars/Distinguishing Marks: she has multiple scars across her body 

Any physical disabilities/diseases/ailments: Asthma 

Any medications/treatments: Inhaler 


Children: None

Children's Statuses: None

Parents: Father, Missing mother

Parent's Statuses: Father alive and well, Mother missing

Sibling(s): Sister

Sibling Status(es): Alive and Well

Any Other Important Family: None to speak

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Best friend(s): 

Pets/Special Animals: She has a dog she calls Rei

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Main Enemy(ies): Color gangs 

Most Hated: None really



Born into an American family with a missing mother and a father who had no skills with money, Hikari was burdened with the task of keeping her father and sister fed after her father had gambled away all his money. She managed to keep her family fed through one simple method: cons. As a master of words, Hikari was easily able to swindle a man out of his last dime, and combined with her high intelligence, made a pretty decent living off of it. However, as the years went on, it became more and more evident that there would need to be another source of income if her family were to survive. It was at this time, at the age of 18, that Hikari enlisted, becoming a sniper Spec Ops team. Unfortunately, Hikari soon realized that this was not the job for her, as her rather underhanded tendencies and dislike for rules made her difficult to work with. So at the age of 21, Hikari deserted, sending whatever money she had earned her sisters way, and dropped off the map. about a year later, Hikari found herself under the employment of Tom Tanaka, acting as an information broker and "lookout" keeping her eyes open for any potential customers, and sometimes even using her own street smarts to con people into debt. It was at this point that Hikari began to bond with Shizuo Heiwajima, though very slowly, due to how closely she had to work with him and Tanaka. she often found herself depending on him, especially when she found herself in more trouble than she could handle. She also works part time as a photographer when she has downtime. She currently remains under Tom's employment, but due to her mysterious ways and tendency to cause trouble, no one is sure exactly what her real motives are.

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Place of Birth: Somewhere in Japan to an American - Japanese Family

Past Living quarters: 

Current and Future Homes: her apartment, anywhere she can lay her head down comfortably 

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Native Language(s): English

Languages Spoken: English, Japanese, etc (multi lingual,) 


Occupation/Job: believed to be former military agent, currently information broker/ gatherer, and engineer.

Talents: Enhanced intelligence and endurance 

Years of Education: Unknown 

Level of Education: High School Graduate

Skills/Techniques: She's skilled at hand to hand combat, sniper rifles, and with explosives 

Weapon(s) of Choice: Rifle, Lead Pipe, Throwing Cards

Quick notes to be organized later:

She likes to sit back and control from the shadows

Hikari can be very unstable and violent at the right moment, but this is extremely rare

Shes very subtle

She likes causing problems as much as she enjoys solving them

shes very adaptive

Shes very motherly, but in a very strict way, and only towards those she thinks needs and deserves said motherly love

She greatly fears the future, and, while her past haunts her at times, it does nothing in comparison to her fear of the world as a whole and the dangers it presents

She knows and accepts she won't truly fit into normal life

She tends to be strictly no nonsense, not putting up with any crap

She enjoys watching things play out, and will only help when asked

She rarely lets herself get into stupid situations

While she has been known to speak her mind, she often uses her brain before her mouth, using wit and cunning to talk circles around people

She isn't shy in real world situations, only romantic situations

She rarely admits to regretting things, claiming the only two things she regrets are allowing herself to having a weakness and abandoning the ones she claimed to love

She wants to start over in life, but isn't sure how to

She likes to argue with people

She's a published author

She's always very aware

She can be extremely manipulative

She doesn't sleep much

She hates storms

People don't know what her agenda is

She knows what she wants and goes for it 

She's only shy in romantic encounters 

She loves teenagers

She has enhanced endurance

She's got a very approachable exterior

She doesn't like planes

She hates it when people whine 

She's a heavy drinker

She's skilled with a sniper rifle

She loves trains

She loves food of any type and can often be described as a bottomless pit

She's skilled at basketball and baseball
She has a strange obsession with anything that has to do with cards or cardgames, especially tarot cards

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