Marvis Murphy



2 years, 10 months ago


Supervillain File - Marvis Murphy
Conniving cyborg with aspirations of world conquest_
Alias Armada
Gender Female (She/her)
Age 25
Species Human
  • Cybernetic vision and hearing enhancements
  • Advanced technical knowledge
  • Weaponized prosthetic arms
  • Combat specialist
  • Focused
  • Determined
  • Filled with wrath
  • Manipulative
  • Methodical
hello? Status_

  • Charged with murder, meddling, robbery, position and dealing of illegal weaponry, conspiracy, trying to steal several government spaceships, and loitering. Was detained at the National Supervillain Penitentiary, but transferred to the Supervillain Rehabilitation Center on 10/22/██.

    Currently refusing to participate in all rehab programs with the exception of the art class. Succumbed to painting a birdhouse. Probably planning an escape. Accused of flirting with staff and flicking peas at fellow residents during lunch.

Biography Information_

“Marvis Murphy is a skilled and highly dangerous cyborg. She was born and raised in an apocalypse bunker deep in the Australian outback, where her parents trained her to inherit the family business: creating weapons for supervillains. Murphy’s parents were detained by the Australian government in 201█, triggering Murphy to begin her own pursuits. Using her technical knowledge, she built weaponized arm prosthetics and began to market herself as an assassin internationally. She proved to be highly regarded among her clientele, but expresses that she only ever considered the position a ‘stepping stone’. Murphy is highly vocal of her true goal: galactic conquest. (She has noted that world domination would settle in a pinch, but she refuses to acknowledge her failure in even traveling off-world.) Whenever I ask her how she lost her arms, she continuously changes the story.”

Other Interviewer Notes_

“My initial interview with Murphy was interesting to say the least. At one point she declared herself a ‘sexy badass’ and tried to convince me to help her escape. Murphy displays a plethora of narcissistic personality traits and an intense drive towards her plans of galactic domination. This bloated goal is very much her obsession. It is my suspicion that she chases it simply to occupy her mind and fuel her ego. I was happy to end the interview.

There is something very off-putting about Marvis Murphy. I am certain she will make for a difficult resident, and I fear she may attempt to manipulate her peers. Perhaps there is nothing inside of her that wishes to change, but nevertheless, she deserves a second chance, just as we all do."

-Dr. Fisher

  • The worst food imaginable
  • The loudest music imaginable
  • Tinkering with her little gadgets and machines
  • Sneaking around
  • Clothes with spikes
  • Picturing herself ruling all life
  • Too much social interaction
  • Water
    • You try to swim with guns for arms
  • Falling in love
  • Silence

  • !Theme song!!
  • Sleeps under 5 weighted blankets
  • Not very straight
  • Fidgety
  • One of her long term goals is to acquire the most powerful weapon in the universe: The Staff of The Dwarf Star
    • To facilitate galactic conquest of course
  • Considers herself very good at being evil
  • Has escaped 33 different times
  • Cold transferred her to the SRC to test Karen’s patience
  • The striped arms she wears were issued by the NSP
    • Because all of her other prosthetics doubled as deadly weapons

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FIM (Minion... sort of)

Marvis first met FIM at the NSP when they were cell neighbors. There she regarded them as a mediocre conversation partner and kind of a wet blanket. Having crossed paths with them once more at the SRC, Marvis decided to take them under her wing - somewhat - regarding them as a potential asset. Afterall, an AI designed to pilot spacecraft would be an excellent tool for galactic conquest…


Ripley Warwick (Irritant)

Marvis met Ripley at the SRC, but had heard of his many antics long before. He was so pompous! A spoiled and worthless villain with no true goals who’d had all of his power handed to him. She loathed him. However, at the SRC he confided to her that he would be more than willing to help her escape. Regrettably, she has since tried to make an ally of him.


Character Name (relationship)

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