


2 years, 10 months ago



Adoran Norishima

"quote if applicable"

Basic information about him:

Species Classification: Human.

Standing at about 5'8.5'' tall and age 53 at present in the story, Adoran is known as the father of Stygian Norishima and head of the House of Judgement. A sweet soul who lives his whole life enjoying the people around him and cherishing his family more than anything, he lacks confidence with the more complicated duties of his role. Though this is no concern as his dearly loved wife, Phaela, is more than happy to take on those responsibilities and offer her astute capabilities out of philanthropic passion. Nevertheless, 

The most accurate head-cannon voice actor I know for him is Katsuyuki Konishi, specifically his voice for Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Personality; him as a character:

Here are some songs that fit his theme very well: "Heroic Desire "Eiyuu Ganbou"" by Keiji Inai and "Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby" by Cigarettes After Sex.

general personality here :>

While Adoran may seem flowery and innocent initially, he is certainly not without brutal and cold capabilities, which are... just like his father. Surprisingly of which, these had been handed down to him with shocking ease, the man having picked up the same deadly capacity at a young age even. As a result, both would end up possessing a shared cold edge to their personalities, though Adoran rarely ever showing this side due to its unfavorable nature. Nevertheless, while it may seem as though Valgarde had always viewed his son as a slacker and goof-off, he held strong respects for Adoran due to this as well as quite some admiration.

If nessary, expanison on personality and behavior.

Story; expand sections:

Prologue: Childhood


"I could say much the same, my story isn't the most interesting either. My life has been surprisingly easy, as you could believe it. Never really faced much in the way of hardship nor any trouble growing up for that matter. In fact, I took everything so easy-going and without a worry in the world that my dear ol' father kicked me out of the house not soon after I graduated high school. His reasoning being I needed to learn some serious life skills and wake up from my daydreams, but eh... I didn't have much difficulty finding my way while I was out. That was... until I made a pretty silly mistake one day..."

"My time away from home was coming to a close as I was invited to return home from the kingdom of Rhenacena--where I had been staying at the time. And well, I made a not so good choice and had a few too many drinks the night before my train ticket back. The embarrassment of having to confess what had happened to my father had only begun to sink in when I woke up in a ditch the morning after. However, my situation led to my meeting my later-to-be wife later on, and in the end, everything turned out well and sweet." He smiled as he concluded.

some info dumping for reference

“It’s the story of how I met your mother, Stygian.” Adoran proudly announced’

There was a quiet facepalm, “Oh dear…” Stygian whispered.

“Back when I was in my late twenties, your grandfather kicked me out of the house and told me to go out into the world and get some experience before I was allowed back. Back then, I used to travel and quest like any avid adventurer would do. I traveled to the other kingdoms, I learned from the native peoples, and I faced hardships. I was waiting a day in the Rhenacena kingdom to catch a train headed south to head back home when I made the bad decision of celebrating my achievements before arriving home.

“So like the smart man your father was back then, I decided I’d get a drink. It was fun times until I woke up the next morning in a ditch and realized I missed the train. The train wasn’t going to be back in over a month and considering I had sent a message that I would be back in the time it would’ve taken by my late train, I was bound for trouble. Not to mention my pockets were about empty.” Phaela nodded to this, remembering this all as all parts of his description that first day. “So, it was on my way to the authority quarters that I happened to bump into a smart young lady whom of which had many papers under her arm at that moment.

“In that there lobby, I sent all her papers and books flying to the ground in a mess and earned myself a pretty good glaring. But I crouched down and made my sloppy self help her out the best I could, and it was after that gesture that she offered me her help. Rather than speaking to the desk management, she took me out and got me all fixed up. Your mother was really good with her medicine and patched me up.” He laughed, “And it was after that, we started talking. Phaela excused herself for a small while at her job at research and flew me back home. I soon came to realize I was up and over my shoes for the magnificent woman.

“Not soon after, she quit her job there and joined the family, becoming my lovely wife and your wonderful mother.” He smiled at Stygian as Phaela in the background sweetly smiled to herself. “And that’s about the story for you. You know, I actually had never quite known a woman before that meeting, and so,” he chuckled, “I’ve got to admit, you Stygian have had yourself a way more successful lovelife than I ever had at your age.” He concluded this with a lighthearted laugh as if to nudge Stygian into a lighter mood.

“That’s a nice story.”




Relationships; the ones most significant to him:

✪ Fact in spotlight

  • So Adoran has pretty bad eye sight, as in he can't read well without glasses or see very clearly out ahead of him, however... shockingly he's extremely perceptive and good with guns. Even better than Amane (but if it's Amane during blackout, then just a bit less). His favorites being pistols and rifles. Even more shocking to me is the fact that he's really good at sniping, and there have been a few times he's done this... be it an infiltrator to the manor or out participating in a scuffle on the fields; although the latter was more so the case in his younger years.
  • Adding onto that prior fact, Phaela actually experiences really bad guilt and prefers conflicts to never end in fatality. However, if the foe Adoran faces has done such wrong that death is deserved--or a loved one is threatened, he easily feels no guilt or remorse and could literally treat a death on the floor like an accidental case of spilled milk. It's... actually a bit scary to me, since in most all scenarios, he still has his same normal atmosphere/mood. Picturing chill and normal Adoran speaking to his servants to clean up after a "mess" upon ending some infiltrator is a scary thought to me, ...because he doesn't seem like that at all.
  • Most of the noble houses rely on servants and hired protectors to keep the safety of the manor maintained, however, the Norishima house is the one exception apparently. If the threat manages to breach most all levels of security, Adoran quite enjoys taking them out personally; in that he much prefers to be the one to end the threat himself.
  • He loves massages; whether it's due to his advancing illness or simply old age, a respite from his usual soreness is always something he takes great delight in—usually given by his loving wife.
  • Long ago he had a boy for a high school sweetheart; with silver bluish hair and rich cobalt eyes, Adoran shockingly had quite the darling relationship with this sweet boy, though separated after graduation when their paths would unfortunately no longer align.

What does __ like?

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This profile is subject to change as I, the creator, am always learning more about my characters! ヾ(^∇^)