Liva || Linksona



They're told their name is Link, but they have no memory of being Link. They respond to Link, but that's not their name, they just can't place what feels right yet. When visiting the Korok Forest, they loved the names of the Koroks, so they've been trying to get one of them to name them.

They've been told they were asleep for 100 years, but that's all they know of their age.

They don't understand gender. Don't give them one.

They found a cool mask in some ruins one time and haven't really found it in themself to get rid of it. 

They enjoy foraging, horseback riding, collecting, exploring, climbing and then paragliding for as long as possible, and figuring out shrine puzzles. They have a fondness for Prince Sidon, though they know with a weight in their heart that it could never happen. They love to let Kass sing them the same song every time they cross paths. They are extremely fond of Beedle and will hoard beetles to give him, just to see him get excited.

They're procrastinating fighting Gannon for as long as possible because there is just so much to explore and find! How could you possibly expect them to go fight a giant calamity beast when there are secrets elsewhere to uncover??

They are selectively mute and fluent in Hylian Sign Language and can often be found dissociating in the middle of a conversation- in one ear and out the other. There are things being thought behind that mask and they're not sure whether those things are good or bad. They've heard some things about their mask, but they don't believe in that supersticious crap.