Delilah May



3 years, 1 month ago


The one-time Miss Florida contender was making something of a name for her on the stage, acting as the mysterious femme fatale or scorned woman in a number of cheap, pulp-fiction-inspired productions in Los Angeles when two men paid a visit to her dressing room, intent on finding out where her old friend Sheila Farr was. At first, Delilah didn't cop to her friend's whereabouts (having been given a heads-up not to earlier), claiming she doesn't know, despite how intimidated by the two hitmen she is (in particular the childish Lee). When a man sent by her old friend's husband tries to kill her, however, Delilah wastes no time selling Sheila out, and when the dust has settled, she walks away with Lee, having eventually become allured by his strange charisma, bloodthirsty though he may be. They become a killer couple-in every sense of the word.


-Was originally very nervous and easily rattled, particularly by violence and even the sight of blood. She was alright with simulated violence on the stage, knowing that it's all smoke and mirrors, but anything more than that really got under her skin. When her would-be assassin gets shot all to pieces by Lee, Delilah sees it, and it somehow ends up shaking her out of her 'nervous condition' 

-Prone to laughing when she's nervous; the more upset and unnerved she is, the more she laughs. She's able to keep a lid on it when she's being interrogated by Charlie and Lee, but it all comes spilling out after the incident with the would-be assassin, so much so that she ends up going weak in the knees, sliding down the wall as she laughs

-Has known Sheila Farr since high school; she's always known Sheila to be something of a snob, constantly throwing over one guy for another (particularly in the guy in question is very wealthy and successful), but Delilah tried not to let it bother her, still finding Sheila to be a great friend, one who's company she valued greatly. They were very close even into their adulthood, and when Sheila called her to tell her not to tell any visitors she had where she was, Delilah didn't question it, wanting to protect her old friend. Learning that Sheila betrayed her to save her own skin cuts Delilah deep, and from then on, the friendship is over

-Is honest-to-God creeped out by Lee when they first meet: He seems polite and charming enough, but he just gives her a strange, unsettling vibe: He stares a bit too long for her liking, he seems to take amusement in making her uncomfortable, he gets too familiar with the belongings in her dressing room, he gets too far into her personal space (Charlie does too, but with Lee, it just feels different), and just plain makes her uncomfortable. The feeling eventually fades away the more time they spend together, but there's no denying that he got under her skin when they first met

-Maiden name is Andersen

Theme: You Never Can Tell - Chuck Berry