Fiji Green Garnet



2 years, 9 months ago


Fiji Green Garnet:

Weapon: Gavel ("Downgrade" of Jealous Heart's Hammer), Multi-Past Perception, Burning Death (Combination of Jealous Heart's Green Pyrokinesis and Burgundy's Cariesgenesis, it Burns and Rot the Organic Target they chose [Mainly through the court of Law, however, she use this less now, thanks to the whole "No Murder" Thing these days])

Placement: Right Foot and Throat

Gender Identification: Female

Terms mostly Used: She/Her

Sexually: Demi-Lesbian

Class: Unlined (Formerly), Homeworld Resident, Beach City's Law Court Judge.

Personalities: Quiet, Serious, Hardworking, 

Code Classification (My Classification of Gemsona's): 1791-14ZLN

Basic Story:
Burgundy Sapphire was one of Pink's Many Favourite Gems, so much so that Pink ask one of the Bismuth's to make a Headband for her out of Pink Metal. Later, during the "Gem Wars" she encountered Inch Worm (Green) Ruby, which she was intimidated about her, and fled deeper into the Kindergartens. Inch Worm saved Burgundy from a Falling Bolder above the Kindergartens but didn't fuse, but since they were in a "Familiar Situation" to CG's Ruby and Sapphire everyone fear about (at the time), Inch Worm's allies turn Against him, so Inch Worm and Burgundy fled deep into the forest and managed to avoid the "Corrupting Light". During the Majority of Era 2, they became Famous for their Judge "work" as Fiji Green Garnet and was feared for her Guilty Punishment, as She was known For Burning them Alive. Eventually, Era 3 began and she moved down to Little Homeworld to continue her Court Job. While she isn't as Terrifying as she was before, she still is an Intimidating Force in the Court of Law, normally giving Tough but Fair punishment to the criminals of Beach City.