



"We all make choices in life, but in the end these choises make us."

Name Blaze
Age Adult
Gender Male
AbilityFlash Fire
Theme Jillian


  • Books
  • Games/Music
  • Cooking
  • Helping


  • Beeing Judged
  • Drugs in general
  • Stuck up People
  • Boring Conversations

Intelligent . Polite . Kind

Blaze is a weired mix between an Introvert and Extrovert. On the one hand he likes social interactions, helping strangers, friends and family. On the other hand he can get fed up with other people and needs his alone time. But in the end Blaze is a kind, polite and intelligent Pokemon. Blaze's favourite kind of games are turned based strategy games like HoMM3 and Fire Emblem.

Blaze's life was a normal one for him. He had his games, books, friends and could train or cook in his free time, what would he want more?. Ofcause he got bullied here and there in his childhood for his apperance and hobbies, but nothing major. After all this was just some unintelligible blabbering. He knows that his look might come of as rebellian or scary for others, but he feels most comfortable like this. 

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