Luka (fire and Fire AU's)



11 months, 23 days ago


some more info on fnF AU itself here
good chunk of info is still scattered on insta highlights on some details, lol

will update from time to time but ah well
atm info here is for fnF modern

quick links (or smth)

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- vampiric werewolf; with lean to fire magic, skilled with blood magic

- Lux/Luk (by few close ones. the only ones he knows smh) / zulzaga (by Zaulan). very rarely, Lu

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> personality.

- cold, calm, keeps it such in anger but will suddenly turn it around; sort of easy to turn agressive/violent, abrasive

- caring, warm, and all great towards loved ones - shows little less for few he considers sort of friends; (overly) protective, to point of being paranoid in care (especialy for Valkaria)

- practicly fearless, courage at his point means nothing—

- determined

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> backstory.

- since early chilhood got in troubles as he would easily start fights with other children - mainly older ones, as he was well aware of being physicaly stronger

- he got interested in snakes, crocodiles and lizards early, exploring for them and catching them, quickly leaening how to hold venonous snakes without being bitten. as soon he was old enough, he started helping, later working, at zoo and other facilities with venomous snakes, especialy taking interest in cobras, tho he likes non-venomous snakes too. his first pet was regular ball python named Fork. with first money he got from work, he bought fully black ball python, Hayfork

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 > family.

- has older brother Ron and older half-sister Daanu

- he always reffers to Khabroo as father - as child, it was more of childful playness, as he got older it was more formal. in earliest years father barely paid attention to him as he was weaker than his siblings in his years, so he offten followed his father and sometimes imitated him - putting makeup, angry (tho for him, playful) growling at people, etc - which his father sorta found amusing and kind of positive he is following his steps. while his father was for most of his childhood violent, agressive towards him once he started showing bigger potential for his goals, he seems barely touched by it. father lessened his treating when Luka got older, tho still very much pushing him in family goals

- his mother was neutral with him, having cold and gentle moments equally, being between family values and her motherly care, so he didn't got too close with her, but he didn't mind spending time with her and would sometimes ask her for advice and have simple, relaxed talks

- he always felt closer with his siblings than with any other family member - with Ron, offten sneaking into forest as wolves and being mischivious, sometimes with Daanu too. with Daanu he liked to have relaxing time, playing games, be it board or video games, she being one who introduced them to such. he was always protective of her, despite being younger

- after moving away, contact with his family was pretty much cut, keeping in touch only with Ron and Daanu

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> relationships / social.

~ Valkaria.

- they got friends sort of quickly, tho over years they have slow progression over their relationship - which both of them preffer, therefore liking being togheter. since early he viewed her as close friend, with few years later seeing her as partner and family

- at first, he was interested in hanging out with her as she showed genuine interest with reptiles, not seeing anything odd as most of around him. soon he liked being with her, finding comfort in each other's company

- being only one he really felt something for, he quickly got protective of her, even when she doesn't need it - he likes how she shows her bold side when standing up to others, even tho appearing frail - being scared and becoming terrified of just thought of her getting hurt on any way, doing all what he can so that she is happy and good, willing to risk his own safety

- he was confused by Valkaria's interests with Zaulan, but he didn't minded them being togheter as he knew she will still stay with him and she was happy. he gave her his support when that relationship was deepening, tho inside he wasn't sure how to feel about his relationahip with her, feeling scared of it falling appart no matter how much Valkaria showed she wants to be mainly with him

- when he wanted to deepen his relationship with her, part was because it felt natural, part because she wanted - but part was  “pushed” by relationship she has with Zaulan. he needed some time to see he doesn’t need to force what he doesn’t like, but is still willing to go over his comfort zone for her

~ Zaulan.

- they started as disliking each other, first encounter being when Luka with his car scratched Zaulan's car by accident. they tried to stay on neutral for Valkaria, but they would offten argue, sometimes getting in physical fight - them being against each other for most barely had to do anything with the fact that Zaulan was hanging out with Valkaria

- over time, mainly because of them two being at same time near Valkaria, Luka started to go easier and tolerate Zaulan's presence, slowly becoming friends, and turning into one of rare close friend relationship Luka has and which he really cared for

- once in marriage, relationship got colder from Luka's side, him still setting down his feels about being in new type of relationship he never expect to be in, and still feeling off from when Zaulan sort of proposed Valkaria. he did started to see Zaulan again as close friend few months in. in few years, he slowly started to feel closer to Zaulan and feel confused about his own emotions, unsure about what he actually feels towards him and how to handle it. it took him year or two to sort it and for him, it is still thing he needs time to set in as he is being close with Zaulan


~ others.

- he avoids any socialization, having dislike for it and for most of people. when in social situations, he keeps by side and tries to clearly show by his cold tone he wants be left alone - the more persistant someone is in trying to comunicate with him, he is more to turn snarky and aggressive

- he does have few people he sort of sees as friends, some being from venomous snake and crocodile community, who he will ask for help around care when going on trip

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> likes. sweets and snacks (and playfull stealing them from friends/family); weapons - mainly swords, has collection; hunt - as wolf but also with traditional bow and arrow; night; wine; pretty much any animal that can be considered dangerous; long very hot baths/showers; collecting bones

> dislikes. squirels (on edge with rodents and other similair); being around people, people in general; anything too romantic, anything sexual; rain; birds and dogs (ironicy)

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> appearance.

~ clothing/accessories

- he likes elegant and comfortable style, sometimes enjoying more formal look, avoiding any tight fit clothing

- preffers fully black, dark grays. if colour, it is offten dark and muddied tone -  he will pick dark red rather than any other colour

- offten wears sunglasses due to sensitivity of his eyes (not that it harms him, but rather to soften his surroundings; also to hide his eyes being highly reflective at lower light)

- since he got each piece of neckleace, he always wears it

- offten wears earrings (carefuly chosen for him by Valkaria) -  he wears long ones - tassels, teardrop and swords

- rarely, mostly out of his or Valkaria's boredom, has nails painted black. when not reasons of boredom, it is him being "to hell with everything"

- immidiately had his ring for Valkaria, for ring for Zaulan it took him time to feel comfortable with - started wearing on and off when he relaxed about whole relationahip, fully when he connected closer with him


~ tattoos.

- on righ shoulder, triangle - sort of testing first tattoo

- two snakes intertwined on themselves and all around his right arm. each snake's head rests on other side of his hand

- left arm - on inner wrist triangle with dot and under it script line in circle around wrist, arrow on upperarm - all standing for his connection with Valkaria. he later got line for Zaulan

- on right, around shoulder, oranges with leaves, gently connecting with snakes - after he got more comfortable about his relationship with Zaulan

~ scars.

- three silver ones on right arm (in childhood)

- “V” scar on forearm

- from fight with vampire - big scaring over right side of face, lines cross his lips and ear, near eye. big scaring on left side on abdomen, various smaller traces of cuts and bites, with one bite mark staying more prominent on left arm

- long scar, from neck to over collar bone on right side

- scar on left side of neck (possibly from axe)

- scar from spear on left side of chest

- silver cut from Zaulan - on left upper arm

- scratch scars, mainly on arms and side of body, in various healing stages and level of injury

- small traces of lighter coloured scars from silver; he usually offten has new smaller scars which heal up quicker if not made by silver. few times he has traces of reptile bites

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 > trivia.

- from time to time he gets job more to waste time than out of need, but leaves or gets fired under max three months due to his personality - tho he is good with jobs he aplies for. occassionaly he helps at zoo with venomous snakes, crocodiles and big cats and is only work where he keeps his personality down, being job he trully likes. from working with reptiles, he got into building bio active terrariums - only way he will keep animal is if it has its own space it needs, as natural it can be

- hobbies include drawing, photography - all which are personal and he rarely shows that side. he likes to play horror games because he is more amused how at most they don't affect them, but he will play any Valkaria asks him - he is rather not too much into playing games on his own idea

- at first had no interest in tattooing, but after he and Valkaria started thinking of matching tattoos for their relationship, he learned it. he only ever tattooed her and later, Zaulan

- most of his diet is meat and will offten be so focused on it and not notice other food types in front of him on table. both he and Valkaria joke that after meat, what he eats most are sweets, and blood - which is, partly true

- he dislikes beer, however when really wanting alcohol and to get drunk, will accept it - which is still rarity, as he preffers relaxed wine drinking when it comes to alcohol. his personality is milder when he is drunk, however at same he can easily turn aggressive on smallest provoking - still rather rare, as he is more towards having fun, especialy when with Zaulan

- will absolutely test Zaulan's patience, and then get confused for being hit and/or yelled curses at

- mammals generaly avoid his presence, however house cats seem to tolerate him. while he isn't too much for cats compared to reptiles, he adopted sphynx cat to save her - as she has aggressive personality. he named her Bean Wrinkle

- immune to snake venom due to which he acts more relaxed with snakes. he himself has venomous bite in wolf form and partly in his human form, but it plays no role with why he is immune to snake venom

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last updated 12 september 2023