


3 years, 1 month ago


Co-Owned with mrs_bumblebee and NovaGardens

Name: Audree Alexander Brook

Age: 23 y/o

Gender: female

Sexuality: pansexual

Audree is a very shy girl and seems extremely cold but when she trusts someone she is very warm and open-hearted.

She  is a moonchild that means her powers are stronger at night and the  strongest at full moon. She has one green and one blue eye.

She  can speak in 9 different languages. Her main language is english but she  can also speak german, italian, spain, japanese, greek, france, slovak  and old latin. She can also read fictional or old signs because her  memory is like an elephants. She has no problems learning something like  that that's why she can read hieroglyphes too.

Audree's parents  never really loved her. They always fighted with eachother and told her  how much they hated her. In school she also got bullied. She always was a  smart girl. When she was a kid she was wearing glasses and just looked  like a typical geek girl. That was one reason why she got bullied. But  in highschool she had an amazing glowup. Many guys and girls had a crush  on her but she was never interested in coming into a relationship. She  is pansexual. 

Audree had to fight her own mental health. She was  often at the end of her life. She never cut herself but she was  showering and bathing in extreme hot water or bit her own lips until  they bleeded. She tried things to hurt herself but never had the "right"  thing. When she got 17 y/o she started to model and doing photoshoots.  She felt understood and she had so much fun doing it. Her mental health  became better and better.

As a kid she was singing much to swallow  her pain. Today she also loves singing and sometimes she sings on  streets and with little celebraties.

She has golden freckles on  her ears and back, she got them shortly after her birth. She almost died  in childbirth, when she got out she wasn't breathing for more than 30  mins and the doctors wanted to call her moment of death when suddenly  she started moving and screaming. All of a sudden golden freckles  appeared on her skin and fur. Her mother said it was a gift of god and a  second chance. After Audree's 4th birthday her parents started becoming  weird and hateful. When she turned 19 years her father took his life.  Her mother now fights against alzheimer's and lives in a society for  alzheimer ponies. Audree is sometimes visiting her but tries to stay  away!

She also has a heart on her chest and a pattern that looks  like an owl. Nobody knows why she has that but she calls it "the love  from the princess of the night". Her tail is golden too but also nobody  knows why she just had it from the day she was born. Audree's grandma  always said she is just a special girl. Her grandma is still alive and  lives in greek on an island. They sometimes see each other and talk to  each other almost everyday.