


2 years, 10 months ago


Not much info on Banshee yet, but so far I think I got some stuff ready. ^^

Banshee is a curious seawing! She relaxes here and there, gets boosts of energy or adrenaline sometimes. You can consider her a jerk, and you’re right, she IS a jerk, however Banshee keeps to herself most of the time and has some anxiety, so AHA! A nervous jerk! But this is really bad most of the time, although Banshee can be rude, she has basic decency like anyone else. Often times other dragons use her to their advantage since, well, who else to blame? OBVIOUSLY the one who is always rude to everyone! Well, this really just contributes to Banshee‘s anger. A anger that just keeps growing but she has to surpress, she tries to keep it down, but she can’t. And since she can’t then in turn bad things come her way. At this point in her life it’s just an ordinary thing that happens :PP Her solution to this is by just staying alone at peace, chilling in the beach or on a mountain, or a RAVINE! Actually, a VOLCANIC RAVINE! Yeahhhhhhahahhshshsshh 

Welp, in the end Banshee is a curious angry jerk that really likes to explore! Or at least for now—