


2 years, 10 months ago



Daikichi is a people person through and through. Described as everything from
'total sweetheart' to 'most annoying person in the world', Daikichi loves people
and everything about them. He spends a lot of his time going to parties and
social events, meeting as many people as he can.

Despite his bustling social life, Daikichi is pretty lonely-- growing up rich and
isolated, he found that, thanks to his money and generally gullible nature,
most 'friends' he did have didn't really care for him as a person. He tries to
remain positive and cheery, making jokes and playful jabs at those he likes.
Above everything, all he wants out of life is someone who cares about him as
deeply as he cares about them, and he'll do anything to find that.


Sei (best friend (?))
Daikichi has a fascination with Sei that he's never had with anyone else. Sei was
one of the first people ever to treat him genuinely, even if it was initially with
disdain and anger. Daikichi considers them best friends, and would give the
world for Sei, if he was capable. Sei seems to be happy with taking any gifts he
can get, in the meantime.
Daikichi doesn't know about Sei's past, or his constant deaths, but he hopes in
his little heart that someday Sei will trust him enough to let him in.

fun facts!

  • though he's very fashion forward, Daikichi is almost always wearing double
    layers of a long sleeve turtleneck shirt and a large, baggy sweater. he makes
    up for the simple consistent style with accessories!
  • only child of a rich family. Daikichi's never had to work hard a day in his life
    and honestly he doesn't understand sometimes why that's a problem.
  • his favorite color is blue!