Collapse's Comments

So, Collapse, buddy old pal, how does it feel to be in the tertiary folder while Sirius is in mains with all the cool OCs.   

:( its not my fault Im forgotten and never drawn


I know I wanted to remind you of that.  It's what you deserve, you remorseless fiance-killer. 

(The thoughts and opinions of Cryn do not reflect the ones of Mist, just to be clear, Collapse I think you're awesome.)

Collapse: :((( How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? Dangit

(;w; he greatly appreciates it)

Cryn: You interfere with a woman's dream wedding and you will either die, or live to regret it every day of your life. 

(Ah, I'm glad!) 

Collapse: Yknow I was married too, and I was a father but apparently Sirius didnt care :(((((((

(Yay :D)

76 Replies

Okay, listen here buster, your my new best friend now. I've only just come to terms that you end up killing Serius who is the only other being in the world that I actually like and care about so you have to make up for killing him. First, we have to go through a checklist to see if you're qualified though:

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Thoughts on setting things on fire?
  3. How responsible are you?
  4. Thoughts on puns?
  5. Are you flammable? 

*Freaks out* Woah woah woah what? Ok look that guy is a JERK? How can you LIKE him?

1. Anything other than black 2. Why would you do that? 3. Responsible? Im very responsible 4.I dunno... 5.Im not sure I want to answer that


How could you answer all those questions wrong!?

*Cryn is greatly disappointed*

I didnt know I could answer them wrong?

*Feels slightly guilty*

Forget it, how about you just pay for all my drinks and we'll call it even. Maybe I can drink away my emotions. 

But yeah, your favorite color should be exclusively red, you should be amused by my arson, you should be a total stick in the mud and be overly responsible and above all, you should HATE puns... and not be flammable. 

Its a dog eat dog world! I wasn't about to suffer forever!

Red? Arson? What? *So confused*

31 Replies

Its a dog eat dog world! I wasn't about to suffer forever!

Red? Arson? What? *So confused*

Heeeeeeey there!

Are you a droid? Because I've been looking for someone like you! No? In that case, are you a dead tauntaun? Because I don't think I could survive without you! OH! Here's one: Will you be the Princess Leia to my Han, so I don't have to fly Solo?


(The shock and pure horror conveyed in that gif had me laughing for a good thirty seconds straight.)

Hmm, not a Star Wars fan I guess? Because those where some 10/10 pickup lines. 

(aha XD when you see that episode you'll know why.)

Mmm Ive heard better.

(Aaaa, I'm torn. I want to watch a few episodes but I also want to draw.)

Mm, I'm sure, and how many times have people flirted with you, Mr. black-hole-in-my-chest-that-can-consume-every-living-being?

Uh... I mean, very handsome and rich guy who I totally like and probably has everyone falling for him.

(MMMmmm that is hard ;0)

No idea, Ive forgotten most everything about the past. *would roll eyes if he had pupils* Yeah sure. Everything I love or that loves me dies.

6 Replies

Aaa such a awesome character. Poor boy! I really want to hug him but I don't wanna die. 

:333 I know i feel so sad for the dude

*cries* He deserves love! ;-; 

Seriously though his backstory sounds super cool.

thank you!!

I like this one...

thank you :3333 at first I was worried about him only being black an white, but i like it <33

yeah!! it's actually really cool like that

kind of like he's a shadow, draws the mood together

yeah :33 I tried stripes and yellow dots but it just kinda ruined it? how he is makes him seem like he isnt really there kinda