Witches (Owari-Magica) (Fortuna de Felicitas)



1 year, 8 months ago


Fortuna de Felicitas 

Original Magi: Tamari Hase-Wallis 

Witch of celluloid 

Health: 94 

Class: Distance 

The celluloid witch whose nature is numbness. She dwells in the center of a nest made up of film reels. They can be fun to slide down, but if you’re not made of celluloid yourself they’re hard to walk on. The witch herself does nothing, simply sitting and scanning the film so that it appears to be moving. She can see surprisingly well for someone who earned a brand across her eyes. 


Knock back 1d8 Will knock all magi away from it. If your magi is attacking directly then must spend the next round to get close again and can not attack with any physical attacks. Magic and distance attacks are unaffected 

Multi-shot 3d4 Will hit all magi that are fighting it 

Tackle 1d8 witch body checks up to 5 magi (must be close together) witch and targets all stunned for 2 rounds 

Long Shot 1d6 Give advantage to an attack on a distance magi using grapple/leap and will knock them down to the ground. Has a cool down of 3 rounds 

Dive Bomb 2d8 If the witch was hidden at the start of the battle, they can attack once they reveal themselves with advantage against up to 5 magi 

Knock Down 1d10 stuns 1 magi for 3 rounds 

Familiars: Shard (x15)