index's Comments


deeeee i want more links with index if you have any characters?
i don't care what age they are, index is a caretaker and would probably love to meet some of the hatchlings
he could probably carry them all at once with his size-

i just want some more links to i have some more characters to add to the character relation tab on his profile code ljkhjgkhvg

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yeah okay! nori's already linked, but if you wanted to request some of the hatchlings that works with me :D




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alright! do we want to foldlocke them? and i'm cool with relationships between our other characters ^^

it's like we have our own little world with our kekes, but that's a-okay with me because i absolutely love character interaction skbeksbs

also, the fact that you linked mellow gave me a pretty funky art idea-

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3 Replies

they're on the random page :D

i saw :D

man, it makes me so happy to see index there haha

yeah its p cool having a character on random! its only happened to me like twice but its pretty cool



lmfao I swear when I name characters- sometimes I go out and like look stuff up and do research (which is what I did w/ Auru (if you remember him- he was from that dta u were hosting right-) and Specter (like i went looking thru words related to "illusion" or whatever)) 

and then other times i just go w/ the first thing that comes to mind

like Siren lmfaOOO-

and we can't neglect the extremely creative names that are Ender and Creep /s

oh yeah! auru! i was literally stuck between you and kelpi because your meme just made me so happy to watch and idk why

and i remember when i used to use google translate to make names

i also have really creative names for characters, such as dream for my dream fan-character

you've never seen a more original name


also im v i b i n g

that's actually a pretty good song playlist-

ty UvU 

I also made ones for Specter, Kelp, and Siren :DD (personally Specter's is my favorite and then Creep's is second favorite- like in terms of me vibing to them)

oh cool! i just love how specter's just has a bunch of random crap

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snakekeys! they're a species on deviantart