Roselil (Minor character)



2 years, 10 months ago


Roselil Peony
14 yrs

Young ralaque with a lot of joyful energy and a flute, Roselil is one part of the ralaque duo of Aske and Roselil, two young children bringing all the life to their village - minor character 


Roselil is a young and very joyful ralaque originally living in the conservative Takra village but now living in Uriel's village. 

She is known for being bubbly and never standing still, either joyfully laughing or playing her flute. 

She and another young ralaque called Aske have become one of the most talk about things in the village due to them almost never 

being without the other. Some even speculate wether the two will grow up to fall in love. 

So far they are just the best of friends. 

Roselil is a minor character so her profile will be more brief than others. 

Roselil is a ralaque, a closed species by MarcooftheMoon 

You are not allowed to create your own without permission 

Link to species group can be found here 


  • Her friend Aske 
  • Running around the field in spring 
  • Playing her flute 
  • Playing music with others 
  • Skirts 
  • Blowing bobbles in water 


  • Standing still 
  • Being held inside 
  • Acting like a proper lady 
  • "Be careful" 
  • Somebody pulling her hair 
  • Getting in trouble 


  • Roselil were originally designed as a troll in a 30 days design challenge together with Aske - the two is inspired by this musical number 
  • Roselil originally had a skull on her belt - now it is a gold coin 
  • Roselil changed village after I mistake I made where I accidentally forgot she wouldn't be allowed to meet with humans (I drew her together with one + an angel)
  • Roselil and her friend Aske has a godmother: Isi-Daddy 

art by Isi-Daddy


"Let's spread some joy."

Roselil is a happy and impulsive girl who seldom thinks before she acts. She has a contagious laugh and overall it is very hard not to like her or to want to be her friend. 

Since Roselil refuses to think before she does some things she has gotten herself into a lot of bad situations as a child but luckily she had her friend, the more cautious Aske, with her the whole time. She and Aske are inseperable and Roselil even loves him more than she does her parents. 

She is a very musical child and is often seen playing her flute around town to and fro Aske's house or even while hanging out with the other ralaque. The amount of time Roselil has been quiet and/or serious can be counted on one hand 


  • Joyful 
  • Musical 
  • Impulsive 
  • Extroverted 
  • Contagious laughter 


  • Doesn't think before she acts 
  • Gets herself into trouble 
  • Never stops talking (only when she plays)
  • Very seldom serious 


  • Playing flute 
  • Hanging out with Aske 


  • Aske 
  • Sunny weather 
  • Travelling musicians to play with 
  • Singing 
  • Playing flute 
  • Laughing till it hurts in your tummy 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


  •  Hair Color   Blonde 

  •  Eye Color   Bright blue 

  •  Skin Color   Fair 

  •  Height   3,4''/103 cm 

  •  Clothing Style   Casual 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Roselil is a tall for her age yet still under 4 feet tall which for us humans is seen as very tiny. She is fairskinned and haired and has a long, narrow face with two bright blue eyes. Her hair is pulled into three ponytails, and she has a mole on the right side of her nose. 

She looks wearing lose, cropped tops and has a pink blended skirt of what looks like coloured grass straws. Around her long ears there's elastic bands with cherries on them to keep the blond eartuft in check. 

She has fluffy legs and rat feet and hands. 

Design Notes

  • Her marking on her stomach can be seen under the bottom of her shirt 
  • She has three pigtails - two in the front and one in the back 
  • Her teeth and pupils are normal 
  • She only has fur covering half her legs but down her entire spine 
  • The mole is on the right side of her face 
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis 



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Aske: Best friend

The two met as very young when Roselil found him hammering on pots and pans and they have been inseperable since. Aske even followed her when Roselil fled from her village in fear of being committed as a criminal for meeting with humans. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Uriel: gida

The leader of Roselil's village and the ralaque who took her and Aske in when they needed a place to stay. Roselil is forever grateful to the gida and for him she'll be serious and proper if he needs that of her. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Takra: earlier gida

Madoc Takra was the gida of Roselil's childhood village. They didn't actually meet but Roselil knew of his families reputation for punish ralaques meeting with humans very harshly. 


Since Roselil is a ralaque to understand his story better I'd recommend checking out the lore of the species that can be found here.

Roselil is a young ralaque known for her contagious laugh and her talents with a flute. She was born in the Takra village during the reign of Madoc’s father. Roselil was often seen together with another ralaque her age named Aske Vibehale wearing a deep pan on his head. While living in the village the other ralaques would whisper about how adorable they looked together and if they may end up being sweethearts later in life. Aske and Roselil especially bonded over their love for music. Roselil had found Aske hammering on pots and pans one day finding it looking like so much fun she asked to join and since then they have been inseparable

Roselil is much less careful than her counterpart. She is impulsive and friendly towards everybody, even people of other species. One day we stumbled into a young human in the forest playing his flute. Excited to see one sharing her love for the instrument she crawled nearer befriending the human by the name of Hakan. Later she too would meet the fallen angel Atlas and the three would jam together. When Aske learnt this he grew afraid for his friend fearing that the rumour would spread in the village forcing the gida’s hand to silence and banish Roselil from the village. By the end Aske got Roselil convinced to flee the village in search for the gida of the pilgrim village Uriel, a ralaque that earlier had lived in the village yet himself being banished for contact with humans

Running away from the village reality hit Roselil and she started crying uncontrollably. She missed her home and her parents and had she not have had Aske on her side she might not have made it. Yet as soon as the two met and got accepted into Uriel’s village Roselil got her old curiosity and energy back now living as carefree and happy as ever



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