


6 years, 10 months ago





Looks like 19


Species: Memoru
Height: 5'11" / 181cm
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Job: Royal Advisor
Home: Feather Kingdom
Quote: "Don't forget to smile~"
Theme: WIP


  • Fooling around
  • Dancing
  • Exotic flowers
  • Teasing Ophelia


  • Boredom
  • Vicaci's husband
  • The Feather Kingdom
  • The job meetings




Cheerful | Clownish | Casual | Rarely serious | Agile

Aziz is a playful fella. He always wants to keep moving and gets bored easily. But even though he is a very responsible person who knows when to become serious, even if he doesn't seem like it. Besides he would do anything for the princess Vicaci, because his highest priority is her safety and he would die with her the second she takes her last breath.


Aziz was not born like a normal being. Instead he came to life when the princess Vicaci was still a small child and wished to a shooting star for someone to protect her people. Aziz' people are a species that only exist for protecting the one who wished for help, but the still so small Vicaci didn't accept that. "I don't need help! My nation does, so protect them!", she protested. This attitude made Aziz laugh. He bowed down to her and smiled. "How about I protect you and your people all together, my Little Star?"
From there on Aziz lived in the Shadow Kingdom, a rather small gathering of people with a special ability of shadow magic. They were great folks, but also attackable and week. With Aziz' dream reading abilities, they were able to bypass most of the dangers in the desert, but this solution was only temporary. One day, when Vicaci was grown up to a young and beautiful adult, she came to a decision. "I will marry the king of the Feather Kingdom. He has strong people and will help me to take care for mine." Aziz was shocked. "No! This man isn't the right choice for you, Little Star! He is just an arrogant idiot who won't treat you well, you deserve better!" But the princess wouldn't listen, the wellbeing of her people was more important to her.
The marriage was marvellous. The wealth of the Feather folk was out of question. Golden walls and silverware as far as the eye could catch. The change of home still hurt, though. But something happened, what someone might see it as destiny - a yellow, heart shaped stone, which the bridal pair got gifted for their wedding, came to life and turned into a big, blonde woman with skin as white as snow. Another mythical creature that happened to come to protect Vicaci: the valkyrie and shapeshifter Ophelia. Vicaci's husband was not pleased with another dog lurking around his wife, but Vicaci was convincing enough to keep Ophelia with her, if the tall woman wanted to, and she did. Since then, all of them life together in the Feather Kingdom, after a fashion.



Vicaci : Protects her with all his might and loves her like a little sister
Ophelia : Comrade in protecting Vicaci
Serafin : Badass pet-fluff (Kukuri)


› He doesn't age
› Calls Vicaci "Little Star"
› Follows Vicaci since she was a child
› Can enter and predict dreams (his third eye opens with these actions)
› Helped the Shadow- (and now the Feather-) Kingdom with defense strategies to not only protect Vicaci but her kingdom as well
› Memoru is a closed species by !
