
3 years, 1 month ago


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Age unknown
Bee (in an opossum hybrid)

Design Notes

Wounds will always be bleeding/freshly scabbed over

Veins will glow yellow when really emotional












Greatest Strength

Mars is an aggresive fighter, have little to no regard about getting hurt. He seems to never run out of energy, ready to fight all night.

Greatest Weakness

Mars has a huge ego and is prone to fits of rage which makes him wreckless. Insult him enough and he'll get lost in his own head, enough to be able to catch him off guard.

Royal prince
Chaotic evil
Sword fighting


Given enough time, Mars can corrupt others, plunging them into a state of madness. He was only able to do this once before he was defeated.

Skill name


Skill name


Positive Traits

Mars is a very skilled swordsman, and while at the start he used it for bad, later in his story he uses it for better causes. Once he warms up to Possum, he ends up quite protective of him.

Neutral Traits

Mars is an ambitious character, never considering failure as an outcome. While it does leave him wreckless, it also keeps him determined.

Negative Traits

Mars is not nice in the slightest. He talks down to everyone, targets their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and shows nothing but apathy for others.


Others' Perception


Mars does not have friends. He laughs at the idea of befriending anyone, not believing anyone would have his best interests in mind.


Strangers see Mars as a loose canon, someone to fear and steer clear of at all costs.


His enemies see him as cruel and evil. Mars embraces those titles with pride. If he's going to be the villain in the story, he's going to be a damn good one.

No matter what I do, it's never good enough for her...

Born into a bustling hive in the plains, Mars was a strong bee put into the role of princess. Early on, Mars realized that he felt more like a prince rather than a princess. His mother did not take kindly to this news, calling him insane and idiotic, a disrespect to the royal blood line.

Mars was quiet about it after that, but his relationship with his mother changed. She never treated him the same. They grew distant, any interactions they had ended with Mars getting yelled at. Eventually Mars had enough. He snuck out of the hive, flying as far as he could, no destination in mind.

Hours passed and Mars grew weak and tired. He landed and never got back up, laying on the ground in defeat. He felt his body starting to shut down, life draining away slowly.

Before Mars could fade away, he felt his body being lifted up, stinger plucked from his body. His soul got dragged along with it, barely holding on still. An hour later, his stinger was ground into a powder and mixed with a bunch of other ingredients in a potion. One of these ingredients was soul sand, which he absorbed into his own soul, keeping him alive but a bit longer.

Soon this mystery potion maker accidentally drank the potion. Seeing the oppertunity to live on, Mars found Possum's soul and fused to it, ending up being consumed by all the anger and sadness that was bottled up within Possum. Opening his eyes, he found himself in control of the body, his mouth full of his own tail and two fresh cuts over his right eye. Overcome with rage, Mars set out, seeking revenge on the world.

Nothing can stand in my way! Don't even try!

It didn't take long to encounter another resident. A piglin brute by the name of Gahlran seemed to be friends with Mars' vessel. Seeing the horror on his face was enough for Mars to choose his victim. Over the next few weeks, Mars spent his time fihgting with Gahlran. Griefing his property, guilt tripping him for overworking Possum, causing overall chaos, etc.

Tensions rose as Gahlran grew more and more frustrated. He ended up getting in a fight with his brother, Ike, and kicked him out of their base. Mars found Ike wandering the desert alone and vulnerable. Seeing this oppertunity to torment gahlran more, Mars captured Ike, forcing him to drink some of the potion Possum had, corrupting him.

His plan worked perfectly. When Gahlran realized what had happened, he was devastated. Mars used Ike against Gahlran many times after that, knowing Gahlran wouldn't hurt his own brother. This song and dance went on for awhile, Mars terrorizing the server, growing more and more powerful.

No, you can't do this to me! I'm in power here! Stop!

Unbeknownst to Mars, Gahlran had developed a cure to the corruption and had successfully cured Ike, using one of both of their three canon lives in the process. With Ike now cured, it was back to two versus one. They formed a plan to finally take down Mars and hopefully cure Possum.

Soon after, a harsh battle began. Mars was caught by surprise, still believing Ike was corrupted. He put up a good fight, but was eventually captured. Mars fought brutally until the end, resisting as he was force fed the cure.

Mars thought was the end of his story, that he was dead. Instead, he opened his eyes to find himself spectating through Possum's eyes. Two weeks had passed since the incident. Mars felt bitter at his defeat, but was also less consumed by rage than he was when he was in control.

Once Possum realized Mars was still there, he began talking to him. Mars was hostile, but completely powerless. Eventually he complied and had lengthy conversations with Possum, confessing a lot of what happened while he was in control as Possum didn't remember any of it.

Mars hated the way Possum spent most of his time farming or sleeping. It was so dull compared to the life of thrill he was living when he was in control. He complains constantly, but Possum justs laughs and keeps going.

Finally, something interesting!

Time passes quickly. Possum and the others have moved twice now, meeting a new interesting neighbor and winding up in a huge fight with Possum's family at one point. Possum and Mars go on a few whacky adventures with their new neighbor, Nemo, doing some dimension travelling at some points.

Settled outside of the mountains, Possum has mettled out and grown colder after dealing with so much. One day, Ike shows up at his door explaining that Gahlran had started to turn into a zombie, his potion that kept him safe in the overworld wearing off. Ike had to stay back to keep an eye on Gahlran, but someone had to go and find the witch that knows the recipe to the potion.

Possum accepts the mission, packing up and heading out quickly. Mars was excited for an adventure, finally able to see some action. As the adventure went on, it became clear to Mars that Possum was dealing with a lot more than he realized, as his methods of collecting information from villagers was harsh.

Eventually, after weeks of barely surviving and ignoring self care, Mars was able to regain control for awhile, forcing Possum to rest. It was his body too after all. Their adventure is ongoing, slowly hunting down the witch. Possum lets Mars do the interrogations now. Mars doesn't waste his opportunities to be brutal himself.

Mars isn't the type to make friends and he's perfectly fine with that. He's much better at making enemies anyways.

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