Soda (WIP)



2 years, 8 months ago



Name Soda Lilin

Gender Female

Age 23

DoB August 18th

Height 5'6

Race Demon

Role KAOS squad member











  • Being in charge
  • Junk food
  • Creating weaponry


  • Losing
  • Expensive foods/objects
  • Romantic relationships



Soda was born on Daimoniki and like most who live there she was poor, her mother wasn't around and she always assumed she worked far away. Her dad got her interested in being an inventor which later got her to develop an interest for designing and creating weaponry. Her dad was arrested when she was 10 for not being able to afford taxes despite working constantly. Because of the law she went to school while living in a crappy townhouse. Despite most children/other students going through very similar things to what Soda went through she had a hard time getting along with her classmates until Soda met Mearia who quickly became very close with Soda and was Soda's only friend. Soda was smart but not academically smart because of that her grades were low in all of her classes often Mearia would help Soda with schoolwork but Soda quickly grew drained from school and often attempted skipping school but it didn't always work. Mearia ended up finishing her high school classes a year before anyone else to go to law school and eventually business school to become a politician. Soda fell in to a depressive episode because she was Soda's only friend and by that time had began developing feelings for her. Before Mearia left she introduced Soda to a friend of hers who was a year older then the two, Dariolon, Mearia knew from her childhood and happened to be going to business school at the same time Mearia was because he also wanted to become a politician. He would be staying the era until he would be going to university. Mearia never said it but she basically implied that Dariolon would be a sort of replacement friend for Soda. When Mearia left Soda felt nothing but regret but befriended Dariolon mainly to appease Mearia when she returned. Dariolon was extremely friendly towards Soda and even let her live with him in his apartment and paid for all of her food which was very relieving for Soda. But after a month or two Dariolon began making inappropriate advances on Soda which began small and which Soda would just assume were mistakes but eventually got more and more suggestive that by the time Soda was living with him for about 6 months it would be practically turn into rape. Whenever Soda would resist or ask to stop Dariolon would lightly beat her up. At that time she was skipping school a lot even before Mearia left but because of her new living situation she would go to school and even occasionally stay afterhours to get away from him. She didn't want to go back to basically what was the streets for her epically since she would soon be old enough to have to pay taxes. Eventually Dariolon had to get a job as his father didn't want him to be slacking on his year off. His job gave Soda time to be alone in the apartment which she would usually make little inventions, even at one point smuggling a gun and modifying it. She planned on using this on him when the time is right. Because Dariolon would be gone for most of the day when he came back he would often physically and sexually abuse Soda more then when he didn't have a job. One day Soda came back from school and was checking for the gun to see if Dariolon had found it yet but it was gone, Soda was scared and wanted to go and smuggle another one but was too scared to do so. After about a week the gun was put back in it's place and Dariolon hadn't said anything about it. Eventually it came time for Soda to graduate and because of her attendance record she was able to graduate and because of this would be at the house all day trying to find jobs or work but nobody was interested so she kept making her little weaponry inventions. One day after Dariolon had left for work Soda found all of her pieces of weaponry destroyed *excluding her modified gun*. At this point she had enough and would rather try to escape then stay trapped with him for any longer so she took out the gun and while waiting for him to return she searched Dariolon's side of the apartment which she had never really looked at before. She went through a notebook of his which didn't have many interesting things on it except for one page that was written like a draft of a letter; it was very brief and only said "It's done with dad. I should be able to make a clean entrance, however you still need to clear my name, so please here is all you need:" followed by a series of 10 numbers and half those numbers written again like he forgot what the numbers were. Soda had no idea what the numbers were so she looked them up on Dariolon's super computer but the main search engine was for looking up death information so Soda tried it and up came a page for a murder victim from about a week and a half ago. The victim was Mearia who was murdered by Soda by a modified mini gun. Soda fell in complete shock and felt bits of disbelief and just as this happened Dariolon came back home seeing Soda on the ground with her gun hanging out of her pocket and the screen covered with Mearia's murder information. He seemed a bit angry but at the same time very pleased. Dariolon shared all the gorey details of Mearia's murder and took Soda's minigun away from her as Soda sank deeper in a true despair. Dariolon proceeded to explain his plan and how Soda helped him and then proceeded to rape Soda's almost soulless body near the end Soda tried with the bit of life in her to hit him but it had barely any energy to leave a scratch so Dariolon put Soda's gun back in his hands, shot of her arms and then made a deep cut into soda's stomach. Then he left Soda on the ground to slowly die if not she would be arrested by the police for murdering Mearia.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.

Present day

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula.
  • Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum.
  • Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam.
  • Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur.
  • Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque.
  • Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus.





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.