Caspian's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

ocularguts Global Rules

All designs created by ocularguts fall under their [Terms Of Service]. Please read it thoroughly when participating in sales and trades. In summary:

  • Do not re-upload pre-existing toyhouse profiles without my permission (remade credit requests may be rejected until proof is provided). Maintaining the original ownership log is important in order to verify authentic sales and avoid scams.
  • Do not edit my art and/or convert any designs I have made into closed species without my permission.
  • Vouchers require explicit permission from me! If the owner is unable to claim "voucher approved by ocularguts" with provided proof - be wary as they may be breaching my ToS.
  • Personal usage only. Do not use for commercialization purposes or any form of profitable redistribution [all prohibited use is listed in full ToS link above].
  • Do not use in any cryptocurrency transactions, Non-Fungible Tokens, AI training or editing, and all similar variants.
  • Designs obtained through trades or for free cannot be sold. Do not profit off of my designs. Resales must be at the same price if bought, unless you commissioned extra pieces to raise its base value. Keep it fair!
  • Do not use in themes of bigotry, noncon, hatespeech, and similar flavors.
  • Do not transfer to [blacklisted users].

Please keep in mind that Planet Xaoc character designs [have their own terms of service] and all transfers must be done on-site as well to keep the official masterlist updated! If the design is made for a different specie community, please be mindful of their own rules as well.