Allen Cosmotrus (test)



"Ah, yeah, that sounds right."

SexualityDemiromantic Asexual
BirthdayJanuary 5th
SpeciesAlien Cow
Catchphrase"Ah, yeah..."
Olivier "Allen" Cosmotrus
Organized • Timid • Ignorant • Honest

Alien Cow • 22 • Any Pronouns


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaa


Allen's a mystery to most. From the outside, he seems cold and down to the point, not very afraid to present his opinion. They're also socially anxious and dislike social interactions, deeming them too stressful to deal with. Half the people say he's not very approachable, while the other half have no problem trying to bother him [or asking for notes]. He's cowardly and not afraid to walk away from stressful, uncomfortable or scary situations, even if it means leaving someone else to deal with it. People are also split whether he's actually funny or not - he denies the existence of magic and mythical villagers even when talking to one, and makes funny remarks on the topic! Allen tends to joke his way out of stuff. Others say he's dense or that he's trolling or being purposefully annoying. In truth, Allen's not sure what to believe in themselves... Sometimes they deny anything out of the ordinary, including being part alien, othertimes they go along with it and say they love brewing potions along with other witches. And then they have an identity crisis at night, thinking whether they spent all their life living in a lie. But no one needs to know about that...




Shapeshifting: Allen is capable of shapeshifting, although he's unaware of it as of now. It may range from growing a few spines, an extra set of limbs to fully new forms.

Acidic/Toxic Saliva & Blood: His blood and saliva is lime-colored, goopy and toxic. When in contact with organic matter, it damages it. Not quite enough to burn through it, but can cause serious damage in large amount. They produce a lot more saliva than normal.

Regeneration & Longetivity: Allen's injuries heal a bit quicker than normal, and he doesn't get sick much. He has the possibility of living longer than normal.

Telekinesis: When under extreme stress or emotions, Allen can lift up small objects around him. He's unaware of this ability and cannot control it. It gives him a headache, and he describes hearing static in his ears


° Does not care about pronouns
° Was nicknamed Allen due to their antennaes and the fact that it sounds like alien
° Denies being anything but a normal cow. When asked about their antennaes, will say they're just strands of hair. After being pressed, will go along with it and say they're part alien to get out of the uncomfortable situation
° Wears alien and space-themed clothes to have another argument - that their antennaes are simply cosplay. Also because they love aliens
° Has naturally black hair, dyes it to hide antennaes. Dyes tail tip red for fun
° Biology major, worked in a lab for a few months
° Likes coding websites for personal projects
° Loves gardening and tending plants. Can spend a few hours doing mindless tasks
° Tries to keep themselves busy to prevent their mind from spiralling into anxiety
° Not the best hearing, will ask people to repeat themselves if they talk too quickly
° Sensitive to light. Despite this, wears glasses just for the aesthetic
° Rather fidgety when idle
° Has trouble falling asleep at night. Irregular sleep schedule, often wanders at night to clear his head

Personal Info
AlignmentTrue Neutral
Online HandleOllieTheOllien

  • Reading
  • Gardening
  • Podcasts
  • Cosplaying
  • Stubborn people
  • Getting dirty
  • Arguments
  • Chocolate

  • Clever
  • Creative
  • Kind
  • ---
  • Hypocrite
  • Selfish
  • Weak-willed
  • Dismissive

















  • Loves sour foods
  • Has trouble falling asleep
  • Identity crisis
  • Low expectations

Nunc id blandit velit, nec gravida sem. Phasellus sed leo lorem. Quisque elementum cursus vestibulum. Duis id pharetra justo. Curabitur blandit elementum ipsum eu euismod. Donec vulputate pellentesque euismod. Cras pellentesque eu ante ut imperdiet. Vivamus pulvinar tempus rhoncus. Fusce a massa at arcu laoreet elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam eu condimentum lacus, nec ullamcorper sapien. Phasellus gravida, risus eu interdum scelerisque, arcu est placerat lectus, sed gravida nisi ex sed nisi.


° Olivier comes from Petria, a closed-off country full of censorship and restrictive laws aimed to "protect" their citizens from the dangers of the outside world. Citizens of mythical species or ones capable of using magical abilities are prohibited from living inside, and if found, are arrested and thrown out. It's incredibly hard to get in, and even harder to get out. Since it's impossible to prevent all "unusual" traits from appearing, the government made a special program to protect mythicals and let them live in peace. They're lead to believe they're simply hybrids of many standard species, and using powers is illegal.

° He was raised by a single mother in the capital. They lived a comfortable life, with her working as a government assistant and Ollie having very little alien traits, making it easy to pass as a normal cow.

° During his childhood, he was introduced to a variety of fairytales and stories of mythical beasts. Some books told stories of evil and greedy creatures, abusing their power to get more and more control, while some explained the existance of unicorns, dragons or aliens as peaceful visitors. It all seemed so surreal, and Ollie and his friends spent hours watching cartoons, reading magazines and exploring their neighbourhoods in search of the mythical beasts.

° They all gave themselves nicknames based on their favourite mythicals, and Ollie was given the nickname Allen - because it sounds like alien.

° One day, his best friend Alex revealed in secret that they have magical powers because their father was a dragon. Ollie said it's silly and impossible, but their friend breathed a tiny blue flame. Ollie denied it again, creating a huge argument and causing a rift between the two friends. Alex was using tricks, a spray and a lighter, to make fun of Ollie. It wasn't funny. And even if it was true, how could he had lied to his best friend for years? The two parted ways and moved to different schools.


° Ollie was still hurt about his ex-best friend's betrayal. But the trick seemed so real, too real... But, his mom, his teachers, everyone, they wouldn't lie to him, no? He spent countless nights thinking and developed paranoia about being lied to, and started researching into conspiracy theories.

° Upon graduating biology course in college and getting a decent job in a lab, Ollie felt... empty. He was unhappy and felt trapped in his life, in his little bubble of fake-truths. Who lied, and who was right?

° They spent nights tinkering with their laptop trying to access the foreign internet and news. And finally, when he managed to do it...He couldn't take it. The whole world, full of mythicals and magic and witches? That couldn't be possible! It had to be a hoax, a joke!

° Using his mother's connections and bribery, Ollie managed to convince a truck driver to take him out. He just barely managed to sneak out past guards and all the security checks. Now free, after leaving his old name behind, Allen ventured out to learn the truth for himself... even if he wants to deny it.


° After travelling to another continent, he spotted a small and quiet town on the map, not too far from him, and decided to rent a flat there.


° Introduces himself as Allen, not Olivier or Ollie
° Not touchy, will ask others not to touch him
° Won't comment on others' mythical appearances unless prompted. Will either say it's nice cosplay [ex. Unicorn horn], or justify features as hybrids [ex. Manticora being actually a lion/scorpion hybrid. Nothing unusual there!]
° When shown any kind of magic or abilities, will either call them a good trick or go along with the joke. For example, he explains fire breathing as having a spray and a lighter, or invisibility as his eyes playing tricks due to insomnia
° Not prone to outbursts of anger. More likely to say a snappy comment under their breath
° Will try to escape uncomfortable and awkward situations by saying they have to do something important soon
° More likely to trust & become friends with non-mythical villagers, those who look like a real-life species, or who go along with him and say they're cosplaying and playing tricks on him

Commonly Found

° In Lilypad gardens, tending plants
° In their flat, sleeping, or at least trying to sleep
° On Lilypad streets at night, going for a walk to get some fresh air due to not being able to fall asleep
° In Lilypad Cafe, ordering an early-morning coffee
° In Lilypad library, reading books and researching something
° In Val's saloon, getting their hair re-dyed once in a while

Specific Interactions

° Approached by a stranger: Will politely and anxiously ask what they want. Not very used to making friends. Will warm up eventually, especially if bought a drink or asked what they're doing/reading
° Asked for their number: Unless they talked for a bit earlier, will turn down. Not comfortable with any kind of flirting at all
° Asked for help by a stranger: Will try to ignore them and pretend they didn't hear or see anything, and quickly walk away
° Asked to hang out by a friend: Will accept, but won't hang out every day - they have to recharge socially
° Asked out: Will turn down. Allen's demiromantic and isn't fully sure about relationships. Ideally they want a best friend turned roommate turned something more, but that's a slow process and they're not positive it'll ever happen.


Character Name 1

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse luctus a eros at sodales. Pellentesque bibendum volutpat justo, vitae porttitor ante scelerisque in. Sed vel quam at risus convallis faucibus sed at felis. Integer quis semper diam. Nullam non semper justo. Sed quis nibh nec nulla sodales venenatis ac non elit. Curabitur dui quam, imperdiet eget accumsan rhoncus, facilisis vehicula arcu. Donec nec dui id enim gravida dignissim in in lorem.
lorem lorem ipsum idk eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Character Name 2

Relationship Type

Morbi vestibulum eros mollis odio cursus, at tempor urna ultrices. Duis vel urna id nibh egestas laoreet. Cras venenatis enim at leo pulvinar viverra. Donec scelerisque, ante vel dictum suscipit, nibh risus molestie ligula, a imperdiet ex ligula sed elit. Vivamus scelerisque ac enim et sagittis. Sed posuere imperdiet massa, ut tristique tortor consectetur vel.

Vivamus vel orci ut dolor vulputate dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent eget imperdiet dolor. Maecenas accumsan egestas felis, quis placerat risus iaculis eget. Mauris faucibus cursus quam efficitur gravida. Suspendisse vehicula sapien enim, vitae porta turpis scelerisque eget. Nam a finibus felis. In volutpat tellus ut varius condimentum. Etiam scelerisque magna vitae rutrum facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis urna leo, laoreet a arcu a, tincidunt ullamcorper ex. Proin bibendum pellentesque faucibus.

Character Name 3

Relationship Type

Proin lacus ante, viverra id laoreet in, faucibus a neque. Ut suscipit sapien quis elit aliquam, nec interdum nibh luctus. Aliquam volutpat arcu ut tortor auctor, vitae ornare eros feugiat. In vitae lobortis enim. Integer libero est, venenatis blandit nibh at, eleifend molestie felis. Vestibulum imperdiet sapien quis risus porta cursus. Phasellus accumsan nunc ac nisi suscipit, mollis hendrerit eros iaculis.

Status: Forever Homed

Do Not Offer

Looking for:N/A
Do not offer:Yes

Total Value: 0$
Commisions: 0$

Design Info Tracker
ObtainedPersonal Creation
MasterlistEntry #

Trait 1X
Trait 2X

Design Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Morbi odio metus, efficitur eget odio vitae, vulputate consectetur sem. In ipsum risus, placerat id tortor a, sollicitudin rhoncus ligula. Fusce condimentum at sapien a pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.

Artist Notes:
  • Open to artistic interpretation
  • Interpret colors as you will
  • Scar is on a certain side ONLY
  • The character is (body type)! Please draw them that way!
  • Do not draw X with this character