


2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


清炎丸 (Byakuenmaru)

Speech Style

Formal, honors those he perceives as being in a higher social class


Structure, meditation


Cold weather, unexpected things


A wizard who specializes in fire magic and martial arts. Trained under a warrior named Kourin. There is an air of secrecy to him.

He can seem very uptight, because he fears that if he indulges too much he will be consumed by greed and cause massive destruction. He is a dragon (in a human's body), but this has been kept secret from him. Kourin enchanted his crown and armor with a potent spell that keeps his dragon features suppressed.

He is very beautiful, this leads locals to create rumors about him. A common theme is that he lures villagers away with promises of marriage and then does something terrible to them.

Over the course of his journey, he learns to be more of an individual, embracing his emotions and desires. He abandons the enchanted crown and armor, and lets his dragon features show.

After this point, he goes hog wild doing every indulgent thing he can. Kourin's plan of keeping his desires suppressed seems to have backfired!

He becomes a daredevil who eats a lot, and has a tendency to get very drunk every chance he gets. He doesn't really have much of a filter on his thoughts, and offends people quite often.

Duy, who had been trying to get him to come out of his shell and try new things, is now desperately trying to reign him in. He takes it upon himself to clean up Byakuenmaru's messes, because there was a time when he did the same thing.