Sewnki Portor



2 years, 10 months ago





Name Sewnki Portor
Gender Masc Nonbinary
Age 14
World Pureverse
Occupation Assassin/Fashion Hunter

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."


Sewnki is a natural at many things, but his one weakness is human interaction. It's kind of a pain living so closed off from the rest of the world under the guise of


Sewnki is 5'7, has black hair tied up into a ponytail a white ribbon with 2 long strands tied with bows in the shapes of the sun and the moon in front, and complete heterochromia(One yellow eye and one black eye). He wears a button up shirt painted similar to how the day and night look visually, as well as wearing white sweatpants with teal flats.


Feitan Portor Feitan is a driving force in helping Sewnki find his place in life, as well as being one of his parents. The main reason Sewnki wants to become a hunter is due to the fact the people of Meteor City(Feitan's home town/residence many years before Sewnki as a concept was even thought up.) don't have enough money to afford nice and cheap clothes most of the time, and helping others is what Sewnki would like to do with his life.

Illumi Zoldyck-Portor Sewnki's mother. Ever since the death of her parents it's been hard for her to find a place in life, But she tries he best to raise him like he's the best thing in the world(she loves all her children equally). She's quite the overbearing mother to her children, but it's out of a not-so-twisted love, don't worry.

Raspa Portor Raspa takes after her mother in the "overbearing big sister" department, but it's mainly because she doesn't do much. The two regularly bicker about whatever's on their minds, but the two are thick as thieves. More to be added once I start writing the story!


To be filled.

To be filled

To be filled.


● Sewnki has, well, a very large family. Consisting of 3 cousins and 5 siblings, as well as a plethora of aunts and uncles on both Feitan and Illumi's sides of the family.

● Sewnki makes all of his clothes by himself. When he was younger he'd steal Illumi's needles to hold things in place whilst making clothing..

● Sewnki didn't know the Phantom Troupe was dissolved until he was about 10, when he wondered why he'd never met Feitan's "adult friends".

● Despite how close their parents are, Maata and Sewnki don't exactly know one another. Phinks never got the chance to introduce the two.

● Sewnki hadn't had contact with Alina and Kiwi up until he entered the hunter exam. It took even longer to realize they were related.

●Despite how "anti friends" Illumi used to be, Sewnki and his siblings are highly encouraged to make allies with others. "It helps build family business as well as help on whatever issues may arise.

profile html by Hukiolukio