Ming Yue Sòng



2 years, 10 months ago


Ming Yue [WIP]
Ultimate Mortician
Who still cares for the living kind?
Ming Yue Sòng

5'0 | 152.4cm

Chaotic Neutral
Funeral Home Director


Ming Yue Sòng had a pretty eventful life growing up, being a child of the former Ultimate Stuntman and step mother a once popular Korean model had the the Sòng children seemingly use to being in the spotlight at a young age. However as they grew each of the three siblings ended up with different ways of expressing themselves. Ming would smile happily if a camera was pointed her way, Chang keeping quiet next to his twin and Xingxing hiding away in their large home to the point that the populace forgot the youngest existed.

Ming had always been interested in what morticians did; preparing a body to be viewed by grieving families then buried brought a glint to her eye that most girls her age would feel disgusted by… However no one was shocked when she took on an apprenticeship at a morgue just a few weeks after her brother went off to his prestigious schooling as the Ult Lantern Maker.

The girl turned The Eternal Promise around, the cobweb infested run down place for the dead got turned into a well known funeral home. The director was old, ready for retirement believed Ming Yue would be the best candidate to take over. So once she turned eighteen the old man's present to her was the keys and title. Ming was quite shocked, however accepted it with a smile despite most of the workers following their old boss out the doors.

A Siberian woman named Ruža Ćosić was one of the few who stayed behind, someone who had cremation down to a T with a tough exterior to boot. The perfect opposite of Ming’s more wild personality. Together they kept The Eternal Promise open and thriving with some help from time to time from Ruža’s adopted son Slim. Of course once he turned eighteen himself the boy officially joined the team.

  • Pranking
  • Caligraphy
  • Flowers
  • Being bored
  • Physical Labor
Confidence [ 100% ]
Charisma [ 100% ]
Health [ 30% ]
Strength [ 25% ]
Intelligence [ 50% ]

  • Her favorite animal is the snake because “They look like ghosties.”
  • Ming’s Chinese voice claim is Hu Tao from Genshin Impact
  • There are three Ultimates in her family. Her father the former Ultimate Stuntman, her twin the Ultimate Lantern Maker and Ming herself
design by Esper
Design Notes

  • She has a fang.
  • Her motifs are butterflies, moons and flowers.
  • Has a petite body.
  • When down Ming's hair goes slightly past her chest.
  • While not needed she has a heart highlight in her eyes.

Chang Sòng Brother

Ming's twin brother and perfect victim for her pranks. She is always messing with him but despite this loves him dearly.

Slim "Friend?"

An employee she enjoys hanging out with. He has a strange hobby that she turns away from in exchange of messing with him.

Ruža Ćosić Employee

The longest running employee at Ming's funeral home, having be the only one that was around since before she took over. Ruža is serious and would seem like she wouldn't put up with the pranks however looks away everytime.