Nu'yakira "Nu'ya"



2 years, 9 months ago


Nu'yakira (often just called Nu'ya) is a Fennec Fox Hengeyokai.

Hengeyokai are intelligent, shapeshifting animals, able to shift freely between human and animal forms. Several subraces exist, defined by the kind of animal form they can assume. They are typically found on the fringes of human-settled lands, where they can mingle in human form but retreat to solitude when they desire. As a fox hengeyokai, Nu'ya is intelligent, clever, stealthy, and cunning.

The first century of a hengeyokai’s life is spent in its animal form. Members of other races would never know the difference between a mundane lizard and a lizard hengeyokai in the first half of its life cycle unless they spent many years observing the creature’s behavior. During the animal stage of their lives, hengeyokai exhibit heightened intelligence and do not progress into old age. Upon the dawn of their second century, they are able to take a half-animal, half-human shape, or a fully human shape. At this point, their human form is that of an adolescent, and the memories of their past life begin to slowly fade as they transition into the second stage of their life. From this time onward, hengeyokai age at the same rate as humans, reaching maturity about 110 years of age.

All hengeyokai begin their lives as animals, and the traits of their animal forms stay with them for the entirety of their lives. For example, a raven hengeyokai might have a pointed nose that hooks like a bird’s beak, and may make short, fast motions when surveying an area, or cock their head to the side while engaged in conversation. A cat hengeyokai may be solitary and self-reliant, while a weasel hengeyokai may be energetic and playful. Some hengeyokai are predisposed to act more like their animal forms than others. A raven hengeyokai may be prone to picking up shiny stones, coins, and other items that a raven might furnish their nest with from a market square, while a lizard hengeyokai may be inclined to observe the crowd at the same market square and blend in with its surroundings to the best of its abilities.

Nu'yakira spent his first 100 years in the desert, until he gained his humanoid form, and began to travel. Settling for a while in an Unspecified City, he started dancing, tumbling, and entertaining, picking pockets to supplement what he got for dancing and playing music on street corners. He ran afoul of a street gang/den of thieves working the city and ended up joining them. He later met Yowler, a white Kenku, after the Kenku was kicked out of his adopted flock, and the two began to work together, fleecing the people who stopped to watch Nu'yakira's performances on the street, as Yowler picked their pockets. After Yowler left to figure out some Very Strange Dreams he was having, Nu'ya ended up stealing something from someone he Really Should Not Have and had to flee the city.


Humanoid form:

Nu'yakira's ears are 15.4" long/tall. His tail is 37.7" long.

Height: 5'1" (6'3" including his ears!)

Weight: 95lbs.

Age: 110

Gender: Male

Fennec Fox Form (Shapechange):

Fur: Cream & Honey

Eyes: Dark Reddish-Brown - slit, vertical pupils

Height: 8" at the shoulder

Weight: 3.5 lbs

Length: Head and body 16" long; tail 8" long; Nose to tail: 24" long


Personality Traits

Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.

I pocket anything I see that might have some value.

I love a good insult, even one directed at me.

Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local rumors and spread gossip.



Independence. I am a free spirit—no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)

Friendship. Material goods come and go. Bonds of friendship last forever. (Good)

People. I like seeing the smiles on people’s faces when I perform. That’s all that matters. (Neutral)



I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I’ll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.

I can’t resist a pretty face.